Renal Medicine | Auckland | Te Toka Tumai

Greenlane Clinical Centre

Contact Details

General enquiries 

(09) 367 0000

Extension/pager number known

(09) 307 4949

Patient enquiries

(09) 375 4300

Outpatient appointments and surgical bookings 

(09) 638 0400 / 

GP/ External Specialist Help Desk 

(09) 307 2800

Mental Health Services 24 Hour Crisis helpline

0800 800 717

Street Address

214 Green Lane West
One Tree Hill
Auckland 1051

Postal Address

Private Bag 92 189
Auckland Mail Centre
Auckland 1142


What is Renal Medicine?
Renal medicine, or nephrology, is the branch of medicine that involves the diagnosis and treatment of people with diseases and conditions of the kidneys.
The kidneys are two bean-shaped organs about 12 centimetres long. They sit just at the edge of your ribs at the back. They clean out waste and excess fluid from your blood making the urine.
Renal medicine includes the urgent care of acutely ill patients as well as those with chronic illness who require long term care.
A doctor who specialises in disorders of the kidneys is called a nephrologist. Conditions seen by a nephrologist may include:
  • Acute kidney injury – the sudden loss of kidney function 
  • Chronic (long term) renal failure – gradual worsening of kidney function
  • Haematuria – blood loss in the urine
  • Proteinuria – protein loss in the urine
  • Kidney stones
  • Hypertension – that has not responded to antihypertensive therapy.
Many kidney disorders can be treated with medications but if kidney function starts to fail and the condition becomes severe, dialysis (using a machine to filter the blood) and/or kidney transplantation, may be required. In some people, these therapies are inappropriate and a specialist supportive care team will look after their kidney failure.
The Auckland District  Renal Service manages patients in the ADHB region. It also provides transplant services for the northern half of the North Island.

Referral Expectations

If you have an urgent problem requiring immediate renal assessment you are referred acutely to the Renal Department where you will initially be seen by the Registrar (trainee specialist) who will decide whether you need to be admitted to hospital. Investigations will be performed as required, and the more senior members of the team involved where necessary.

If the problem is not urgent, the GP will write a letter to the Renal Department requesting an appointment in the outpatient clinic.

Most renal outpatient clinics are held at Greenlane Clinical Centre, but a small number are held at Auckland City Hospital and some follow-up clinics are held in community settings.

One of the consultant nephrologists (kidney doctors) working in the Department reviews these letters to determine who should be seen first, based on the information provided by the GP. Very urgent cases are usually seen within a couple of weeks, but other cases may have to wait a longer time. Sometimes the nephrologist will contact your GP to discuss your case and give advice rather than arranging a clinic appointment.

When you come to the Renal Outpatient Department you will be seen by a member of the renal team who will ask questions about your illness and examine you to try to determine or confirm the diagnosis. This process may also require a number of tests (e.g. blood tests, x-rays, scans etc). Sometimes this can all be done during one clinic visit, but for some conditions this will take several follow-up appointments. Occasionally some tests are arranged even before you are seen at the hospital to try to speed up the process.

Once a diagnosis has been made, the medical staff will discuss treatment with you. They will write to your GP with advice and may or may not arrange for you to attend a follow-up clinic.

You will receive a copy of the letter to your GP.

Procedures / Treatments

Kidney (renal) failure
Home dialysis unit
Peritoneal dialysis
Home haemodialysis
Kidney stones
Supportive care clinic