Clinical Immunology and Allergy | Auckland | Te Toka Tumai

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Team Support contact person: Marilyn Church

Food Salicylate and Allergy

There is no good quality evidence to support the use of low salicylate diets for the treatment of:

Salicylates in aspirin are very different to salicylates in food.   While a number of patients with urticaria, angioedema, asthma, rhinitis/sinusitus do react adversely to aspirin, (acetyl salicylic acid) studies have shown that these same patients do not react to dietary salicylates.

Furthermore, concerns regarding the harms of low salicylate diets have been raised.  Please click this link for a scientific article reviewing what the published medical evidence says about low salicylate diets.

The majority of Immunologists in Australasia do not support the use of salicylate exclusion diets.