Remuera Surgical Care

Postal Address

PO Box 99051
Newmarket 1049

Contact Details

Phone (09) 522 5102
Fax (09) 522 5105
Mobile 021 888118

Ear Surgery (Otoplasty)

Some children and adults are unhappy with the shape of their ears because they stick out too much (prominent ears, bat ears) or are uneven (asymmetrical). Teasing can result in loss of self confidence. Surgical correction of prominent ears known as “otoplasty” or “pinning back of ears” can help restore self confidence.

Otoplasty procedures performed at Remuera Surgical Care are generally done under either a general anaesthetic or a local anaesthetic as a day stay case. The operation takes approximately one hour and involves making an incision on the back of the ear (so the scar is hidden) and reshaping the cartilage of the ear to improve the contour and set the ears back. All stitches are dissolvable so that there are no stitches to remove.