Needs Assessment and Service Co-ordination (NASC) | Auckland | Te Toka Tumai | Te Whatu Ora

Contact Details

Phone 0800 631 1234

Needs Assessment and Service Co-ordination
Phone: 0800 631 1234

Respite Care
Phone: (09) 307 4949 ext.27852

(09) 375 4395 or 0800 725 463

Service Co-ordination

Once a needs assessment has been completed, the service co-ordination team develops a support plan to maximise independence at home. This includes purchasing, managing access to and monitoring usage of, support services.

If it is not possible for the person to be maintained safely at home, the team may authorise entry into a residential care facility.

What to expect?
Based on the assessment, a package of support services will be developed for you.
Support services available:

a) Domestic Help - housework, laundry, shopping. 
Note a Community Services Card is required for domestic help. You will be required to produce the Community Services Card to access MOH-funded homecare. This card can be obtained from Work and Income New Zealand who apply a financial means test. Personal care assistance is exempt from this requirement for people who meet the health/disability criteria.

b) Personal Cares - showers/bathing, dressing/undressing, getting up and putting to bed.

c) Social Support - befriending visitors, craft and activity groups.

d) Caregiver Support - relief care, daycare, dementia daycare, support groups.

e) Provision of Information - regarding care in the community, information on disability support groups, e.g. Stroke/Arthritis Foundations, etc.