Dean Mistry - Orthopaedic Spine Surgeon

Postal Address

PO Box 128473
Auckland 1541

Contact Details

Phone (09) 523 7052
Fax (09) 522 0782
Healthlink EDI: deanmist

Lumbar Stenosis

Lumbar stenosis is the compression of spinal nerves caused by narrowing of the spinal canal and it is one of the common causes of low back pain. Spinal stenosis can also affect the spine in the neck region. The symptoms include back pain, burning or aching type of pain in the buttocks that radiates to the legs (sciatica), weakness in the legs or "foot drop”. One of the causes for spinal stenosis is ageing and other causes include Paget’s disease, achondroplasia, spinal tumours and spinal injuries. As age advances the chances of developing osteoarthritis, disc degeneration and thickening of ligaments may increase and these conditions can all cause spinal stenosis.

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