David Merrilees - Urologist

Contact Details

Phone (09) 623 4783 (PA Kerry)
Fax (09) 638 4687
Mobile 021 938 782
Email admin@keyholesurgery.co.nz
Healthlink EDI: lapurodm

Laparoscopic Pyeloplasty for Pelvi-Ureteric Junction (PUJ) Obstruction

Key hole surgery can be performed to correct a congenital blockage to the flow of urine out of the kidney into the tube that drains urine to the bladder (ureter) – traditionally this surgery is performed through the flank above the 12th rib via an open incision.

It takes 90-120 minutes to perform and patients are typically discharged on the first or second post-operative day. Four small key holes are used for the surgery. This is now the gold standard operation to treat a PUJ obstruction.
