Orthopaedics | Counties Manukau | Te Whatu Ora

Contact Details

All Departments: (09) 276 0000
Info/Visiting Hours: (09) 270 4799

Fracture Clinics

These clinics are run by the Orthopaedic Department for patients who have sustained an injury that has already been treated and further follow-up of that injury is required to monitor progress.

Often at these fracture clinics x-rays are taken on arrival to check the position of the bone in a cast and to decide when other steps in management such as re-manipulation of fracture, removal of a cast or change of the management plan is required.

An appointment time will be given.  You may be at the clinic for several hours if you require x-rays, plaster/fibreglass casts removed or any other treatments.

Fracture Clinics are held at Manukau SuperClinicâ„¢ Module 1 on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons.
