Obstetrics & Gynaecology | Counties Manukau | Te Whatu Ora

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All Departments: (09) 276 0000
Info/Visiting Hours: (09) 270 4799

Colposcopy - Examination of the neck of the womb with a microscope.

A colposcopy is a detailed examination of the cervix (entrance to the uterus) with a specially lit microscope (colposcope). As with a Pap smear, an instrument called a speculum is inserted into the vagina, and then the colposcope is positioned outside the vagina with its light directed on the cervix.
A specialist will perform a colposcopy if your Pap smear has shown abnormal or cancerous cells on the cervix. During the colposcopy further samples of tissue (biopsies) are usually removed and examined in the laboratory so the doctor can get a clearer idea of the extent of the abnormal cells.
Sometimes treatments can be carried out at the time of colposcopy to remove abnormal cells. Your specialist will give specific advice about intercourse and follow-up following the colposcopy.
It is essential that you attend if you have an appointment for colposcopy.  If abnormal cells are treated early cancers are prevented. Currently many women do not attend and this wastes resource for other patients. 

The Colposcopy Clinic is located in Module 10, Manukau SuperClinic.
