Obstetrics & Gynaecology | Counties Manukau

Manukau SuperClinic™

Contact Details

All Departments: (09) 276 0000
Info/Visiting Hours: (09) 270 4799

Street Address

901 Great South Road

Postal Address

Manukau SuperClinic™
PO Box 98743
Manukau City
Manukau 2241


What is Obstetrics?
Obstetrics is the area of medicine concerned with the treatment of women during pregnancy (antenatal), labour and delivery, and the time after childbirth (postnatal). Once pregnancy has been confirmed, regular antenatal checks should be performed by a midwife, GP or obstetrician (doctor who is specialised in obstetrics). In the first 28 weeks, these checks will be done every month but will increase as the pregnancy progresses.

What is Gynaecology?
Gynaecology is the area of medicine that deals with health issues and conditions that are specific to women's reproductive organs and genitalia, excluding breast disease.  The reproductive organs consist of: the ovaries that release an egg every month, the fallopian tubes that lead from the ovaries to the uterus (womb) which is where a baby will grow if the egg is fertilised during sexual intercourse, the cervix (opening of the uterus), the vagina and vulva. 

Obstetrics & Gynaecology Services Provided by Counties Manukau Health
Counties Manukau Health Obstetrices & Gynaecology services are located at Middlemore Hospital, Manukau SuperClinic™ and Botany SuperClinic™. 

Referral Expectations

Your GP will need to complete some examinations and tests before you are referred to the clinic (except in emergency situations). All patients require a history to have been taken and examination, including pelvic (internal), performed.  If a smear test has not been performed recently and is due, this needs to have been completed by the GP prior to you being seen in the hospital.  Blood tests may also be required depending on which type of problem you have.

When a referral is received, a specialist will grade it to ensure that people with serious or life-threatening conditions are seen soon.  Sometimes, if there is not enough information to make this decision, the referral will be sent back to the GP with a request for more information.

Once grading has been completed the urgent cases are allocated a clinic time and the patient is notified.  When demand for services is high, all patients cannot be seen as there is inadequate resource to do so.  When this happens some patients will not be offered an appointment and they will be notified, along with their GP.  The GP may have been given advice about further treatment with his notification.  If your symptoms change or worsen then your GP can re-refer you. 

What other options do you have if surgery is not available in the public system?

If your surgery has been declined due to lack of resource there are some other options:

  • other ways of treating your condition - these can be discussed with the specialist or with your GP
  • waiting for symptoms to worsen at which time your GP can re-refer you to the hospital
  • seeking a private option for your surgery.  The information about health providers in the private sector is included on this Healthpoint website.

Fees and Charges Description

There are no charges for services to public patients if you are lawfully in New Zealand and meet one of the Eligibility Directions specified criteria set by the Ministry of Health.   If you do not meet the criteria, you will be required to pay for the full costs of any medical treatment you receive during your stay.

Patients requiring Mirena may in some cases be expected to fund this if they do not meet national guidelines for their free provision.  Some medicines will require a small fee.

To check whether you meet the specified eligibility criteria, visit the Ministry of Health website.   

For any applicable charges, please phone the Accounts Receivable Office on (09) 276 0060.

Common Conditions / Procedures / Treatments

Abortion Services
Bladder sling procedures
Caesarean section
Cervical dysplasia (abnormal cells on cervix)
Chorionic villus sampling
Colposcopy - examination of the neck of the womb with a microscope
Endometrial ablation
Foetal distress
Gestational diabetes (temporary diabetes of pregnancy)
Gynaecological cancer
HIV Testing in Pregnancy
Menopausal hormone therapy (MHT)
Hysterectomy (removal of womb)
Hysteroscopy and dilatation and curettage
Induction of labour
Infertility (problems getting pregnant)
Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR)
In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF)
Menstrual problems
Obstetric Ultrasound
Oophorectomy (ovary removal)
Ovarian cysts
Cervical screening
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
Postnatal depression
Premature baby
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
Pre-eclampsia (serious pregnancy-related high blood pressure)
Tubal ligation
Urinary incontinence (bladder control problems)
Uterine or bladder prolapse
Vaginal infections



Early Pregnancy Assessment Clinic (EPAC)

Gynaecology Care Unit (GCU)
