Fertility Associates - Northern

Postal Address

Fertility Associates
Private Bag 28910
Auckland 1541

Contact Details

Phone (09) 520 9520
Fax (09) 520 9521
Email faa@fertilityassociates.co.nz
Healthlink EDI: Auckland - fertaakl


    0800 10 28 28

Checking Fertility

Understanding the key factors that affect a couple’s chances of conception and delivery of a healthy baby are important.  These include:

Age, Diet, Body Mass/Weight, Exercise, Smoking, Drugs.

Please click here for more information on Key Factors Influencing Fertility.

Additionally, the Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) test for women and a semen analysis for men provide important indicators in diagnosing any fertility issues.

Please call Fertility Associates on 0800 10 28 28 to organise for these tests to be done.
