Mr Peter Misur



North Shore Surgical Centre
213 Shakespeare Road, Takapuna, Auckland
(09) 953 9300


MB ChB 2005 Auckland; FRACS (Orth) 2012


Peter Misur was born and raised on the North Shore of Auckland. He graduated from the University of Auckland with distinction in 2004 and began his formal surgical training in 2005. He became a fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons in 2012 before completing further subspecialist training in complex trauma, joint replacement and sports surgery.
Peter Misur now works as a consultant orthopaedic surgeon at North Shore Hospital as well as maintaining a private practice. He specialises in hip and knee surgery as well as general orthopaedic trauma.


  • Hip & Knee Surgery
  • Knee Arthroplasty
  • Arthroplasty Surgery
  • Orthopaedic Trauma
  • Tendon and Ligament Injuries
  • Dislocations
  • Muscular Skeletal Infections

Title or Designation

Trauma, Arthroplasty Surgery, Hip & Knee Surgery, Orthopaedic Surgeon, Hip, Knee & Orthopaedic Trauma Surgeon

Full NZ Registration Date

24 January 2006

Vocational Scope

Orthopaedic Surgery

Other Services

Orthopaedic Services | Waitematā
North Shore Hospital
(09) 486 8900

Mr Peter Misur - North Shore Hip, Knee & Orthopaedic Trauma Surgeon
209 Shakespeare Road, Milford, Auckland
(09) 486 5456
131 Lincoln Road, Henderson, Auckland
(09) 486 5456

Southern Cross North Harbour Hospital - Orthopaedic Surgery
Southern Cross North Harbour Hospital,