Dr Andrew Baker - Immunologist and Allergy Specialist - North Shore Auckland

Contact Details

Phone (09) 441 2750
Email consult@wsurg.co.nz
Healthlink EDI: waitemas

For appointments, a referral from your GP is required

Dustmite Allergy Treatment

Dr Andrew Baker MBChB FRACP Auckland Immunologist Allergist

Is New Zealand the dustmite capital of the world?

Did you know that New Zealand has roughly ten times more household dustmites than most areas in Europe?

If you find you have year round watery nose running, sniffing, nose/eye itch, or sneezing, you may have dustmite allergy.  This can occur anytime of the day, but may be more noticeable around old blankets, a dusty cupboard, or when someone does the vacuuming.  It often gets worse overnight or in the morning, but can be any time of the day.

Did you know something can be done about it?

Desensitisation to dustmite is the best treatment for dustmite allergy.  It is the only treatment that offers the possibility of long term cure.  For more information about our clinic for dustmite desensitisation and treatment click this link on densensitisation treatment for dustmite allergy.
