Clutha Health First Hospital Services

Contact Details

Phone (03) 419 0500

Day Rehabilitation Programme (03) 419 0500

District Nurses (03) 419 0530

General Practice (03) 419 0500

Laboratory: Southern Community Laboratories (03) 418 0042

Maternity Ward (03) 419 0540

Mental Health Team (03) 419 0440

Needs Assessment (03) 419 0520

Occupational Therapy (03) 419 0525

Outpatient Department (03) 419 0570

Physiotherapy: SPS Physio (03) 419 0435

Public Health Nurses (03) 419 0465

Radiology: Pacific Radiology (03) 419 0430

Social Work (03) 419 0523

General Practice

Clutha Health First general practice is a Cornerstone Accredited Practice located within the Balclutha Township. The practice facility incorporates a variety of consulting rooms, treatment rooms, a medical assessment unit, a procedure room, reception area and a comfortable waiting room. The practice is staffed by experienced and registered general practitioners and nurse practitioners supported by a large team of practice nurses, and an emergency clinician.

The general practice has on-site access to plain x-ray, ultrasound and laboratory services. In addition to routine primary care services it delivers a wide range of other services which include childhood immunisations, cervical screening, targeted vaccinations, CLIC programme, cardiovascular risk assessments, driver’s medicals, travel immunisation, advice and treatment, orthopaedic fracture clinic, minor operations, gynaecology nurse specialist clinic, diabetes nurse specialist clinic, joint injection clinic and a palliative care support programme.

The practice has approximately 8,000 enrolled patients. Surgery hours are 9.00am – 6.00pm, Monday to Friday, with evening clinics by appointment only being offered from 6.00pm - 9.00pm. An emergency by appointment only clinic operates from 9.00 am - 6.00 pm at the weekends and public holidays.

For more information, to book appointments or request repeat prescriptions please visit Clutha Health First Health Centre