Shore Birth Obstetric Specialists

Street Address

Unit 1
317 Sunset Road
Mairangi Bay

Postal Address

Ground Floor
104 Rosedale Road
North Shore 0632

Contact Details

Phone (09) 475 0099
Healthlink EDI: shorewom

Induction of Labour

Induction of labour is the process of starting labour artificially. This may be needed for either maternal or foetal reasons, such as high blood pressure, toxaemia, IUGR or if your waters have broken and you haven’t gone into labour by yourself.
There are a few different methods that may help to induce labour, including an internal examination by the midwife or doctor to insert a medication that softens the cervix (entrance to the uterus) allowing it to open, or to rupture the bag of water surrounding the foetus. Other medicine to stimulate the uterus (womb) to contract may be given intravenously.