Auckland ENT Group - Ear, Nose & Throat Specialist Doctors

Postal Address

PO Box 99078
Newmarket 1149

Contact Details

Phone (09) 522 2226
Fax (09) 522 2224
Healthlink EDI: aentg4dr

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Snoring is the harsh rattling noise made by some people when they sleep. Snoring occurs when the flow of air through the back of the mouth and nose becomes partially blocked and structures such as the tongue, soft palate (the back part of the roof of the mouth) and uvula (the tag that hangs at the back of the mouth) strike each other and vibrate.
Causes of snoring include: nasal polyps; a bend in the nasal septum (the partition running down the middle of the nose), large tonsils or adenoids, obesity, smoking, excess alcohol.
Surgical treatment of snoring involves the removal of excess loose tissue in the throat or soft palate.