Oncology Services | Auckland | Te Toka Tumai | Te Whatu Ora


Chemotherapy uses specialised medicines to kill cancer cells. These medicines spread throughout the body (systemic treatment) and so can treat cancer cells in most places. Chemotherapy is mostly given as an outpatient treatment.

Chemotherapy is given as cycles and may be given once a day, once a week or even once a month. This depends on the type of cancer and the best regimen as determined by research, your doctor's opinion, and your preference. 

Depending on what type of cancer you have and whether it has spread, your doctor may use chemotherapy to:
Most chemotherapy drugs are given in one of the following ways:
Side effects

Some people have no side effects at all from chemotherapy. Sometimes, however, chemotherapy will make you feel sick.  Different types of chemotherapy may have different effects. We will discuss these with you before starting any treatment so you know what to expect.  Chemotherapy targets all cells that are quickly dividing, including some normal ones, for example:
There are many medicines you can take to reduce or lessen these unwanted effects of chemotherapy.
In some cases, chemotherapy may be the only treatment you need. It is often used with other treatments, such as surgery or radiation, to improve results. For example, you may receive:
