Correspondence to:
Private Bag 93319
Auckland 1640
Correspondence to:
Private Bag 93319
Auckland 1640
Phone (09) 270 9000 or 0800 774 642
To refer to our services for an inpatient admission, please complete the inpatient referral form by entering all mandatory information and including all pertinent documents. Once complete, email to Click here for the referral form.
Acknowledgement of your referral will occur once the referral has been received.
Once a referral is accepted for ASRU admission, the admissions co-ordinator will liaise with the referrer / acute team and identify the expected date of admission and the plan for transfer.
The Inpatient Unit consists of 20 beds dedicated to short term spinal cord rehabilitation for patients aged 15 and older who have sustained neurological deficits from a spinal cord injury due to trauma, injury or illness.
The interdisciplinary team includes rehabilitation medicine specialist, nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, social workers, dietitians, psychologists and sometimes speech and language therapists who, with the client and their family, establish goals and an individual rehabilitation programme. Every person’s rehabilitation is aimed at gaining maximum independence and skills for reintegration into the community and into life roles.
The team works closely with community and provider services such as ACC to ensure client needs are met and discharge planning is well coordinated.
Once a patient is discharged the outpatient service provides lifelong support.
Clients admitted are usually covered by ACC or Ministry of Health funding, however we do also admit private or insurance funded clients.
Patient information
A patient information booklet is provided prior to arrival at the Auckland Spinal Rehabilitation Unit. This booklet provides useful information to assist the person and their family/whānau during their inpatient rehabilitation stay.
See Patient & Family Information Booklet here