Dr Mark Kennedy - Private Internal Medicine Specialist

Postal Address

Dr Mark Kennedy
Western Hills Clinic
74 Western Hills Drive
Whangarei 0112

Contact Details

Phone (09) 435 4627, or if URGENT, Linda Clinical Nurse Specialist 021 689 447 outside of clinic hours
Mobile Emergency Phone (021) 702 395
Email admin@westernhillsclinic.co.nz
Healthlink EDI: west74hc

For any urgent Echocardiogram, Exercise Stress Echocardiogram or Exercise Tolerance Test, contact  Clinical Nurse Specialist (Linda) on (09) 435 4627 on Tuesday and Thursday (or 021 689 447 outside those days).  If she is unavailable and it is URGENT, call Mark Kennedy on (021) 702 395. We can undertake Transthoracic Echocardiograms most weekdays. 


Patient information:

Haemochromatosis is an hereditary condition in which excess iron is absorbed from the intestinal tract.  This iron accumulates in tissues throughout the body including the liver, pancreas, heart and joints and can lead to symptoms and signs including arthritis, skin pigmentation, liver damage, heart failure, diabetes and sexual dysfunction.  It is important to diagnose this condition as early treatment can help prevent complications.  Tests include blood tests for increased iron levels and genetic testing.  Treatment consists of the removal of excessive iron from the body by repeated removal of a fixed amount of blood (therapeutic phlebotomy). This is very like repeated blood donations and is carried out at the blood donor centre.
