Assessment Treatment & Rehabilitation Services (AT&R) - Southland | Southern | Te Whatu Ora

Contact Details

Phone (03) 218 1949 ext 48787

Ground Floor, Rehab Ward (AT&R Service)

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These are not a natural part of aging.  There are many reasons why people fall over and a review of your medical problems and medications may well reveal some reasons for falling that can be fixed.  If you have lots of falls, seeing a specialist as well as the physiotherapist and occupational therapist can reduce your chances of falling again.  You will be asked about the circumstances surrounding your falls and it is helpful if family or friends who witnessed your falls come into the clinic with you.  You will have an examination looking at your general health as well as strength, balance, vision and memory.  An occupational therapist may come to your home to look into any changes that can be made to improve safety.  For more information on falls prevention the ACC website has information on