Urology Services | Waitematā | Te Whatu Ora

Postal Address

North Shore Hospital
Urology Dept, 4th floor
Private Bag 93-503
North Shore City 0740

Contact Details

Phone (09) 486 8900 or freephone 0800 80 93 42; Patient enquiries (09) 486 8930; Known extension / pager numbers (09) 486 8920; Urology Booking Clerks - Jacqueline ext 43033 or (name TBA) 43639 or Linda 43320

Urine Flowrate Test

This test involves passing urine into a special machine which measures the speed of the urine flow and graphs it for assessment by the doctor or nurse. You will be able to pass urine into the machine in private for this test.

A flowrate needs to be performed when you have a full bladder so you can either come to your appointment with a full bladder or come early to drink in preparation.  
