Specialist Vein Care

Postal Address

PO Box 1657
Dunedin 9054

Contact Details

Phone (03) 929 1254
Email info@specialistveincare.co.nz
Healthlink EDI: spveinca

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Varicose Veins

These are bulging veins that lie just beneath the skin (superficial veins). They occur when the walls of a vein are weak or damaged or if the valves in the vein that normally stop the blood from flowing backwards are impaired, resulting in pooling of the blood and stretched veins. Besides being unattractive, varicose veins can be painful and cause inflammation or ulceration.

The following different types of surgery are available if varicose veins require treatment:

Radio Frequency Ablation ("laser") - This procedure is done under local anaesthetic and in a day surgery. A thin tube (catheter) is inserted into the varicose vein through a small incision in the skin and the vein is treated with radiofrequency which heats the inside of the vein. This causes the vein to heal up, close up and get absorbed into the body, effectively getting rid of the varicose vein. You are able to walk after the procedure and the recovery is typically short.

Sclerotherapy – A fine needle is used to inject a chemical solution into the vein that causes the vein to collapse. The solution flows through the varicose veins, irritating them, which results in the varicose veins closing up and getting absorbed. The procedure is fast, effective and patients can return to normal activities immediately following the treatment. 

Phlebectomies – A minimally invasive procedure for removing varicose veins that lie just beneath the surface of the skin. A phlebectomy hook is inserted into a tiny incision, a section of the vein is hooked and the vein removed. It can be performed at the same time as the Radiofrequency Ablation under local anaesthetic at the end of the procedure. 

You will need to wear compression stockings after the procedure for 1-2 weeks.
