Gary French - Ormiston Orthopaedics

Postal Address

Ormiston Orthopaedics
Level 1, Ormiston Hospital
125 Ormiston Road
Flat Bush
Auckland 2019

Contact Details

Phone (09) 252 0370
Fax (09) 271 1570
Healthlink EDI: gfoortho

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Healthlink EDI: gfoortho

Soft Tissue (muscles, tendons and ligaments)

In many cases tendons will be lengthened to improve the muscle balance around a joint or tendons will be transferred to give overall better joint function.
This occurs in children with neuromuscular conditions but also applies to a number of other conditions.
Most of these procedures involve some sort of splintage after the surgery followed by a period of rehabilitation, normally supervised by a physiotherapist.