Eye Doctors

Postal Address

Eye Doctors Ltd
PO Box 128-214
Auckland 1541

Contact Details

Phone (09) 520 9689
Email info@eyedoctors.co.nz
Healthlink EDI: eyedoctr

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Cataract and Lens Opacity

After refractive error (glasses), cataracts are the most common cause of visual loss.
In every eye there is a lens. The eye’s natural lens sits behind the pupil and focuses light on the retina. With age, the lens enlarges and becomes yellow. If the natural lens loses its transparency, vision is decreased and this is called a cataract or a lens opacity. Cataracts can cause vision to become fuzzy in a progressive fashion and may also be the source of disabling glare.
When cataracts affect the vision too much, refractive-cataract surgery is needed. Refractive-cataract surgery involves removing the eye’s natural lens and replacing it with a thin, transparent artificial lens. The operation is almost always done under local anaesthetic. It is relatively short in duration and an overnight stay in hospital is not required.  Post-operative care consists of eye drops and a check at 1-2 days then after 2-4 weeks.
