Dr Stephanie Ulmer - BetterLife Surgery

Postal Address

PO Box 128340
Auckland 1050

Contact Details

Phone (09) 524 8887 or 0800 966 367
Fax (09) 524 8889
Email info@betterlifesurgery.co.nz
Healthlink EDI: womensdr

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Bariatric/Obesity (Weight Loss) Surgery

If weight loss is essential for you then surgery to achieve weight loss is your best chance of being able to shed some kilos and keep them off. Most people who have tried to lose weight using diet and exercise modification are successful with losing some weight but the majority will regain the weight they have lost within 2 years. Surgery has been proven to provide patients with excellent weight loss which lasts.

What is my BMI (Body Mass Index)?  more

Types of surgery:
