Pacific Radiology - Waikato

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PO Box 163
Waikato Mail Centre

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Healthlink EDI: mskrefer

DEXA Bone Density

Quick, safe and non-invasive DEXA scan measures bone density and body composition.

DEXA stands for Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry, also known as bone densitometry, and is used to measure the strength of your bones. Our DEXA scans are today’s gold standard for measuring and monitoring bone mineral density using an advanced form of x-ray scanning technology. DEXA is commonly used to diagnose conditions where the density of your bones is lower than it should be, including osteoporosis and osteopenia. During a DEXA scan, we measure your bone mineral content and compare it to people of the same age and gender as you. This helps your doctor plan preventative therapy or medical treatment by giving detailed accurate information about your bone strength.

For more information about bone density and body composition scans click here.