Mr Simon Young



North Shore Surgical Centre
213 Shakespeare Road, Takapuna, Auckland
(09) 953 9300


MB ChB 2001 Otago; FRACS (Orth) 2011


Simon Young is an orthopaedic surgeon specialising in surgery of the knee. He sees both private and ACC patients at Axis Sports Medicine on the North Shore.

Simon is a Senior Lecturer in Orthopaedics at Auckland University, and has a Consultant public appointment at North Shore Hospital. He maintains a keen research interest, currently completing his doctoral thesis on prevention of infection in knee surgery.  He is the author of over 30 peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters on orthopaedic surgery.

Read more about Simon's achievements here


  • Knee surgery
  • Sports surgery

Title or Designation

Trauma, Shoulder Surgery, Knee Surgery, Orthopaedic Surgeon

Post-Fellowship Training

After completing orthopaedic surgical training in New Zealand Simon went on to work in the USA, completing a Sports Medicine fellowship at Stanford University and an Arthroplasty fellowship at the Mayo Clinic. While at Stanford he served as Team Physician at the Stanford Sports Medicine Clinic, providing orthopaedic care to the San Francisco 49ers NFL team and Stanford College Football team and was an attending physician at the Rose Bowl. 

Full NZ Registration Date

6 December 2002

Vocational Scope

Orthopaedic Surgery

Other Services

Orthopaedic Services | Waitematā
North Shore Hospital
(09) 486 8900

Southern Cross North Harbour Hospital - Orthopaedic Surgery
Southern Cross North Harbour Hospital,