Allied Health Auckland City Hospital | Auckland | Te Toka Tumai | Te Whatu Ora

Postal Address

Allied Health Services
Auckland City Hospital
Level 11, Bldg. 1
Pvt. Bag 92024
Auckland 1142

Contact Details

Phone (09) 307 4967

Physiotherapy Outpatients (GCC): (09) 307 4949 ext. 27706.

Allied Health - Speech Language Therapy Clinical Support

Speech Language Therapists provide assessment, diagnosis and treatment of communication (speech, language, voice and augmentative/alternative communication) and oropharyngeal swallowing disorders. They also work closely with other members of the care team to facilitate weaning patients from breathing tubes.  Speech Language Therapists work to maximise function, independence and quality of life by providing programmes of rehabilitation, care, advice and education. Therapists work directly with patients and with their carers and families as needed. Speech language therapists work with patients with acute (e.g. stroke, surgery and traumatic brain injury) and progressive/chronic difficulties (e.g. Parkinson's disease, motor neuron disease, dementia.

The SLT service are available between 7am - 5pm, Monday to Friday and provide an on call service to stroke patients between 0800 and 1700 Saturday and Sunday.


Contact Details:
Clinical Lead – Speech Language Therapy
Phone: (09) 307 4949 ext. 22820