ENT - Otorhinolaryngology (ORL) | Counties Manukau | Te Whatu Ora

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Phone (09) 277 1660

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Voice difficulties can be experienced in a number of ways including hoarseness; loss of voice or reduced volume; strain/pain in the throat or voice box when talking; changes in the pitch of the voice (either higher or lower than usual); or running out of breath when talking.
The most common cause of hoarseness is laryngitis (inflammation of the vocal cords) which is usually associated with a viral infection but can also be the result of irritation caused by overuse of your voice e.g. excessive singing, cheering, loud talking.
Other causes of hoarseness include:
Diagnostic tests may include viewing the vocal cords with a mirror at the back of your throat or by inserting a small flexible tube with a camera on the end (endoscope) through your nose or mouth. Sometimes tests may be done to analyse the sounds of your voice.
Treatment depends on the cause of the hoarseness and may include resting your voice or changing how it is used, avoiding smoking, medication to slow stomach acid production and sometimes surgical removal of nodules or polyps.  
The Speech Language Therapist will provide advice for looking after your voice and arrange a course of voice therapy if appropriate.
