Acute Care Team, Mental Health and Addiction Crisis Service | Bay of Plenty | Hauora a Toi

Tauranga Hospital

Contact Details

Phone 0800 800 508
Fax (07) 571 8647

Street Address

829 Cameron Road
Tauranga South
Bay Of Plenty 3112

Postal Address

Cameron Road
Private Bag 12024
Tauranga 3143


The Acute Care Team provides a 24/7 response service to people in mental health or addiction crisis.

What is a Mental Health or Addiction Crisis?
Someone is in crisis when they are in extreme mental distress or when they are at risk of hurting themselves or others.

Fees and Charges Categorisation

Free, Partial fees apply, Fees apply

Fees and Charges Description

Government funding of health and disability services means that eligible people may receive free inpatient and outpatient public hospital services, subsidies on prescription items and a range of support services for people with disabilities in the community.

Check to see if you are eligible for publicly funded health and disability services here.


12:00 AM to 12:00 AM.

Mon – Sun midnight – midnight

This is a 24 hour, 7 day a week service.


Acute Care Team - Mental Health and Addiction Crisis Service

The Acute Care Team works across Tauranga and Whakatāne to provide 24-hour mental health and addiction crisis intervention. What to expect: When you call the Acute Care Team, you will talk to a trained mental health and addiction professional who can provide a crisis assessment. In some situations, an Acute Care Team member may come to see you in person. The Acute Care Team works closely with other DHB mental health services. During working hours, crisis support for children and teenagers is provided by the Infant, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Team and crisis support for older adults (over 65 years) is provided by the Mental Health for Older Adults Team. The team working with you will assess the situation and provide initial support and short-term treatment planning and intervention to address your needs and make sure you are safe. Often the team will connect you with other services that can continue to support you after the crisis.

Programme Areas

Crisis / acute, Mental health

Programme Type

DHB Mental Health Crisis, Intake / assessment


Bay of Plenty

Age Groups

Child / Tamariki, Youth / Rangatahi, Adult / Pakeke, Older adult / Kaumātua

Referral Types

Self referral, GP, DHB clinical services, Corrections

Referral Process

If you or someone you know are experiencing a mental health or addiction crisis call the Acute Care Team.

Call 0800 800 508 (Tauranga) or 0800 774 545 (Whakatāne).

Anyone can call the Acute Care Team if they are concerned about someone in mental health or addiction crisis, including family/whānau, friends, other health professionals or Police.


The Acute Care Team works across Tauranga and Whakatāne to provide 24-hour mental health and addiction crisis intervention.

What to expect:

When you call the Acute Care Team, you will talk to a trained mental health and addiction professional who can provide a crisis assessment. In some situations, an Acute Care Team member may come to see you in person.

The Acute Care Team works closely with other DHB mental health services. During working hours, crisis support for children and teenagers is provided by the Infant, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Team and crisis support for older adults (over 65 years) is provided by the Mental Health for Older Adults Team.

The team working with you will assess the situation and provide initial support and short-term treatment planning and intervention to address your needs and make sure you are safe.

Often the team will connect you with other services that can continue to support you after the crisis.