Immunisation in Canterbury Browse by Suburb Addington Akaroa Amberley Aranui Ashburton Avonhead Belfast Bishopdale Bryndwr Burnham Burnside Burwood Casebrook Cashmere Chatham Islands Cheviot Christchurch Central Darfield Diamond Harbour Edgeware Fendalton Ferrymead Halswell Hanmer Springs Harewood Hei Hei Hillmorton Hoon Hay Hornby Ilam Kaiapoi Kaikōura Leeston Lincoln Linwood Lyttelton Mairehau Marshland Merivale Methven Mt Pleasant New Brighton Northwood Oxford Papanui Parklands Pegasus Prebbleton Rakaia Rangiora Redcliffs Redwood Riccarton Richmond Rolleston Rotherham Russley Shirley Sockburn Somerfield Spreydon St Albans St Martins Strowan Sumner Sydenham Templeton Upper Riccarton Waikari Wainoni Waltham West Melton Wigram Yaldhurst Immunisation Services 217 results Mairehau Medical Centre Closed today. Marshlands Family Health Centre Closed today. WeCare Pharmacy Lincoln Closed today. Te Aranga Community Health Closed today. St Albans Medical Centre Closed today. Riccarton Medical Practice Closed today. Harewood Medical Centre Closed today. Darfield Medical Centre Closed today. Eastfield Pharmacy (formerly Tancred Street Dispensary) Closed today. Unichem Brighton Village Pharmacy Open today 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Amberley Medical Centre Open today 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM. Health and Sport Central Closed today. Hammersley Pharmacy Open today 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Unichem Crisps Pharmacy Open today 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM. University of Canterbury Health Centre Closed today. Barrington Medical Centre Closed today. Parkside Pharmacy on Oxford Terrace Closed today. Fendalton Mall Pharmacy Open today 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Hoon Hay Medical Centre Closed today. Innes Road Medical Rooms Closed today. Hillmorton Pharmacy Closed today. Chemist Warehouse Ashburton Open today 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM. North Avon Medical Centre Closed today. Papanui Pharmacy Closed today. Halswellhealth Closed today. Ferrymead Medical Centre Closed today. Shirley Medical Centre Closed today. Alabaster's Merivale Pharmacy Open today 9:30 AM to 1:00 PM. Unichem Forté Pharmacy Closed today. Mt Pleasant Medical Centre Closed today. Kaiapoi Crossing Pharmacy Closed today. Woolworths Pharmacy Eastgate Open today 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Chemist Warehouse Rolleston Open today 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM. Life Pharmacy Merivale Open today 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Amberley Pharmacy Open today 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Oxford Community Health Centre Closed today. Woodham Road Medical Closed today. Cashmere Medical Practice Closed today. Moorhouse Medical Centre Open today 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Riccarton Clinic Open today 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM. Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 Next page By location Northland North Auckland East Auckland Central Auckland West Auckland South Auckland Waikato Bay of Plenty Lakes Tairāwhiti Taranaki Hawke's Bay Whanganui MidCentral Wairarapa Hutt Wellington Nelson Marlborough West Coast Canterbury South Canterbury Waitaki Dunedin - South Otago Central Lakes Southland All regions Canterbury Enter an address… or Use your current location Select a subregion… Addington Akaroa Amberley Aranui Ashburton Avonhead Belfast Bishopdale Bryndwr Burnham Burnside Burwood Casebrook Cashmere Chatham Islands Cheviot Christchurch Central Darfield Diamond Harbour Edgeware Fendalton Ferrymead Halswell Hanmer Springs Harewood Hei Hei Hillmorton Hoon Hay Hornby Ilam Kaiapoi Kaikōura Leeston Lincoln Linwood Lyttelton Mairehau Marshland Merivale Methven Mt Pleasant New Brighton Northwood Oxford Papanui Parklands Pegasus Prebbleton Rakaia Rangiora Redcliffs Redwood Riccarton Richmond Rolleston Rotherham Russley Shirley Sockburn Somerfield Spreydon St Albans St Martins Strowan Sumner Sydenham Templeton Upper Riccarton Waikari Wainoni Waltham West Melton Wigram Yaldhurst All suburbs Select a subregion… By category Immunisation GPs / Accident & Urgent Medical Care Pharmacy Public Hospital Services Private Hospitals & Specialists Specialised Primary Health Care Mental Health & Addictions Kaupapa Māori Pacific People Community Health and Social Services Aged Residential Care Dentistry Maternity Services Allied Health Eye Care Providers All categories Immunisation Vaccine Pregnancy vaccinations Childhood immunisation programme Catch-up missed vaccinations 45 year old vaccinations 65 year old vaccinations Adult flu vaccine Child flu vaccine COVID-19 vaccination and boosters Diphtheria / Tetanus / Pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine Measles / Mumps / Rubella (MMR) vaccine Meningococcal vaccine Shingles vaccine Travel vaccinations Privately funded vaccinations Workplace flu vaccinations Access type Anyone can access Contact us Walk in Make an appointment Mobile community provider Home visit provider Website / App By main service Community Health and Social Services GPs / Accident & Urgent Medical Care Pharmacy KAUPAPA MĀORI ORGANISATION Kaupapa Māori PACIFIC PEOPLE ORGANISATION Pacific People Disability assistance… Wheelchair access Wheelchair accessible toilet Mobility parking space NZ sign language interpreter Quiet, low sensory environment A longer appointment time Support to make decisions Assistance to move around More space to move around Disability assistance… Open now Open on...