Kaupapa Māori Organisations 8 results
Te Kotahitanga E Mahi Kaha Trust
Te Kotahitanga E Mahi Kaha Trust delivers a number of programmes aimed at improving the social, cultural, environmental, health and economic outcomes for whānau.
(09) 405 2573
Hokianga Health Community Health services
Hokianga Health's Te Whare Awhina provides early intervention for mental health and addiction issues.
(09) 405 7709
Mental Health & Addictions - Adult Kaupapa Maori Service (Te Roopu Whitiora) | Te Tai Tokerau (Northland)
Specialist Kaupapa Maori service for Maori, between the ages of 18 to 65 year,s who are experiencing symptoms suggestive of psychosis or schizophrenia.
Te Rūnanga o Whaingaroa, Kaeo
Te Runanga O Whaingaroa Covid clinic will be closed from the 21st December 2022 until the 17th January 2023
Ngāti Hine Health Trust - COVID-19 Vaccination Centre
0800 272 4842
Te Hau Ora O Ngāpuhi - Stop Smoking Service
Provides stop smoking services for all Ngāpuhi who live in Kaikohe and surrounding areas.
(09) 405 2647