
Central Auckland > Maternity Services > Self-employed Midwives >

Cindy Zhou - Midwife

Midwifery Service

Services Provided

Labour and birth care

Your midwife will support and care for you during your labour and will help deliver your baby / pēpi.

Your midwife will be on-call for you and will attend your labour and birth. In the event that they are away or busy, they will have arranged a back-up midwife to be available instead. Make sure you know who the back-up is and how to contact them.

Make sure you understand the signs of labour and when to call your midwife. Every labour and birth is different and not all go according to plan. Make sure you understand what can happen and be prepared to change your birth plan. Your midwife will talk to you about what may happen and also about what strategies you can use to manage labour pain.

Some midwives provide care for women with an epidural, oxytocin drip and abnormal fetal heart trace, others do not. Please check to see if the midwife you choose offers these services.

Pain management

Your midwife will discuss birth plan around the third trimester which includes the information on the pain relief options available to you during labour. 

Contact Details

Epsom, Auckland

Central Auckland

Please call my mobile number or txt me from 9am to 6pm Monday -Friday. If I am not able to answer your call, you can always txt me and I will get back to you as soon as possible. 


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This page was last updated at 10:17AM on July 8, 2024. This information is reviewed and edited by Cindy Zhou - Midwife.