South Auckland > Public Hospital Services > Obstetrics & Gynaecology | Counties Manukau >
Dr Kerrie Hides
MB ChB 2007 Glasgow; MRCOG 2013; CCT (O & G) 2019; FRANZCOG 2022
Kerrie graduated from the University of Glasgow and completed her RCOG training in Edinburgh with a special interest in High-Risk Obstetrics and Maternal Medicine. She moved to Auckland in 2019 with her husband and two young children where she worked as a full time Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynaecology in Middlemore Hospital for 3 years. She was part of the multidisciplinary obstetric emergency training team and responsible for establishing maternal morbidity meetings and quality improvement initiatives. She moved to work in Auckland City Hospital in the role of Labour Ward Lead and a member of the Diabetes in Pregnancy team in July 2022, later joining the AOC team.
Title or Designation
Obstetrician & Gynaecologist
Full NZ Registration Date
30 September 2021
Vocational Scope
Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Contact Details
Dr Kerrie Hides is available at the following services:
Obstetrics & Gynaecology | Counties Manukau
This service is available at the following locations:
Middlemore Hospital
All Departments: (09) 276 0000
Info/Visiting Hours: (09) 270 4799
Botany SuperClinicâ„¢
All Departments: (09) 276 0000
Info/Visiting Hours: (09) 270 4799
Manukau SuperClinicâ„¢
All Departments: (09) 276 0000
Info/Visiting Hours: (09) 270 4799
Private Services
Auckland Obstetric Centre
This service is available at the following location:
20 Titoki Street, Parnell, Auckland
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
(09) 367 1200
(09) 367 1201
Healthlink EDI