South Auckland > Public Hospital Services > Obstetrics & Gynaecology | Counties Manukau >
Dr Ravindra Raj
Diploma 1977 Fiji; Dip Obst 1985 Auckland; M 1993 F 1995 RANZCOG
- Obstetrics
- Gynaecology
- Colposcopy
Title or Designation
Obstetrician & Gynaecologist
Full NZ Registration Date
21 March 1996
Vocational Scope
Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Contact Details
Dr Ravindra Raj is available at the following service:
Obstetrics & Gynaecology | Counties Manukau
This service is available at the following locations:
Middlemore Hospital
All Departments: (09) 276 0000
Info/Visiting Hours: (09) 270 4799
Botany SuperClinicâ„¢
All Departments: (09) 276 0000
Info/Visiting Hours: (09) 270 4799
Manukau SuperClinicâ„¢
All Departments: (09) 276 0000
Info/Visiting Hours: (09) 270 4799