Te Hā – Waitaha Smokefree Support


Clinics (Open and Closed)

Programme Areas

Smoking cessation, Kaupapa Māori, Pacific People

Programme Type

Face to face smoking cessation, Kaupapa Māori - smoking cessation, Maternal smoking cessation, Pacific People - smoking cessation



Age Groups

Youth / Rangatahi, Adult / Pakeke, Older adult / Kaumātua

Referral Types

Self referral, GP, DHB clinical services, Corrections

Referral Process

Visit our website and contact us tehawaitaha.nz/contact-us 

We will contact you and begin our journey. 


Open clinics are at the same venue each week and open to anyone in the community who is ready to live smokefree. 

Closed clinics are for those who are part of a private group, work place or other institute who, through that group, are receiving weekly smokefree supports. These are only for those of that kaupapa. 

If your workplace/institute is interested in having smokefree support clinics on your site, please do make contact. 
