Mental Health & Addictions in Pukekohe, South Auckland
These services support people who are experiencing mental health concerns.
These programmes provide community based mental health support, including counselling, education programmes and other social supports for people experiencing mental health concerns.
Community based support - mental health Services 34 results
DRIVE Consumer Direction Counties Manukau Free
DRIVE supports people with lived experience of emotiontal distress or harm from alcohol or other drugs to access the resources they need to empower themselves.
8:30 AM to 5:00 PM. (09) 263 6508
Clinical Advisory Services Aotearoa Free
We have a model of working alongside groups and organisations that acknowledges the strengths both parties bring to the relationship.
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. 0800 448 908
Pathways Health Free
Pathways is a leading national provider of community-based mental health and addiction services operating in communities across New Zealand.
Whare Tiaki Hauora Free
Whare Tiaki Hauora is a kaupapa Maaori health provider in Taamaki Makaurau.
12:00 AM to 12:00 AM. 0800 024 321
Community Mental Health | Counties Manukau Free
Providing culturally sensitive, accessible and quality mental health and addiction services for people aged 18 to 65 years of age, living in Counties Manukau
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
Ka Puta Ka Ora Emerge Aotearoa Free
We support people from diverse communities across Aotearoa and from all walks of life through a broad range of health, housing, social and wellbeing services.
8:30 AM to 5:00 PM.
Odyssey Free $$ Fees apply
Odyssey's vision is that people, whānau and communities are connected and supported to live the lives they want, free from drug, alcohol and other addiction
8:30 AM to 4:30 PM. (09) 638 4957
The Seneca Clinic by PsychPartners $$ Fees apply
Specialists in psychological medicine and therapies
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
Trauma Recovery Aotearoa Free $ Partial fees apply $$ Fees apply
Dealing to Difficulties facing all people in Aotearoa, resulting from Life Changes, Trauma, Addictions and/or Abuse
9:00 AM to 8:00 PM. 0800 636263
Auckland Mental Wellness Centre $$ Fees apply
Auckland Mental Wellness Centre is an Award-winning practice, "The Best Psychologist in Mangere, New Zealand 2022".
9:00 AM to 8:00 PM. 021 960 303
Kāhui Tū Kaha Free
Kāhui Tū Kaha extends manaakitanga to all people through a range of health, housing and social services.
(09) 531 4040
Workplace Support $$ Fees apply
We enhance workplace well-being by caring for people at work.
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. 0800 333 200 or 03 477 8065
Returned and Services Association (RSA) Free
Every day the RSA movement helps all current and former service personnel and their families get the support they need.
9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. (04) 384 7994
Asian Family Services Free $$ Fees apply
Asian Family Services provides professional and confidential face-to-face or telephone counselling support and social worker support to all Asians living in New Zealand.
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. 0800 862 342
Mahitahi Trust Free
A Kaupapa Maori mental health and addictions provider committed to helping individuals and whanau achieve wellness through the delivery of Integrated Tikanga Māori services
8:30 AM to 5:00 PM. (09) 262 4533
Acorn Neurodiversity $$ Fees apply
Providing multidisciplinary services for neurodivergent and developmentally disabled children and youth
Counties Manukau Bipolar Support Group Free
The Bipolar Support Group is run by, and for, people who have been diagnosed with bipolar or think they may have it.
(09) 523 2790
ADHD Association Inc. Free $$ Fees apply
We provide support and information for people affected by ADHD to live valued lives and realise their potential.
9:00 AM to 2:00 PM.
GROW Mental Health Free
GROW runs a free service providing community support groups, face-to-face and online, for mental health, self-development and friendship PHONE: 021 049 1360
A Girl Called Hope Free $$ Fees apply
Wellbeing Skills programmes for those aged 16yrs & over, from throughout Aotearoa, to strengthen resilience and promote healthy coping skills.
8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. (09) 443 7136
Anxiety New Zealand Trust Free $ Partial fees apply $$ Fees apply
Free 24/7 National 0800 ANXIETY Helpline and Peer Support Groups.
9:00 AM to 8:30 PM. (09) 846 9776
Harmony Pasifika Free $ Partial fees apply $$ Fees apply
MOH approved NZTA ASSESSMENTS, GROUP THERAPY, COUNSELLING for: drink drivers, alcohol and other drugs, relationships, anger management, FAMILY THERAPY, TONGAN LANGUAGE programmes, supervision and training.
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. 0800 183 975
Penina Trust Free
Penina Trust (previously known as Penina Health Trust) provides a range of mental health and addiction support and housing services in South Auckland.
8:30 AM to 5:00 PM.
Grief Centre Free $$ Fees apply
We provide loss and grief counselling, resources, education and training, and bereavement support to all people living through loss.
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. (09) 418 1457
Raukura Hauora O Tainui - Mental Health & Addiction Services Free $ Partial fees apply
Maori health organisation providing a range of mental health and addiction services through a tikanga based approach.
8:30 AM to 5:00 PM. (09) 263 8040
Vagus Centre - Chinese Mental Health Consultation Services Trust Free $$ Fees apply
Chinese Mental Health Consultation Services Trust is a not-for-profit social services organisation with a mission of promoting health and wellbeing of individuals and families
10:00 AM to 2:30 PM. (09) 624 4639
Kia Puāwai Free
Kia Puāwai provides a range of evidence-based and culturally informed services for tamariki, rangatahi and whānau.
8:30 AM to 5:00 PM.
Ember - Korowai Takitini Free
We provide support to people who experience mental distress, harm from alcohol or other drugs and intellectual disability support services throughout the North Island..
8:30 AM to 5:00 PM.
Papakura Support & Counselling Centre Free $$ Fees apply
We provide low-cost counselling and self-development courses and operate as a drop-in centre for crisis and support.
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. (09) 299 9455
Explore Free $$ Fees apply
We support people to become more empowered, independent, and enjoy better wellbeing.
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. 0800 605 001
Equip Free
Equip is a leading mental health organisation, providing community support, family/whānau support, respite and supported employment services.
8:30 AM to 4:30 PM. (09) 477 0338
Nurture Psychology $$ Fees apply
Specialist psychology practice for the treatment of eating disorders and food/weight/shape concerns for all ages
9:00 AM to 6:00 PM. (027) 221 4912