
Dunedin - South Otago > Mental Health & Addictions >

Carroll Street Trust

Mental Health Service


Providing 24 hour Residential Support and Community Support for people living with mental health issues.

Fees and Charges Categorisation


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Housing and Recovery Services

Carroll Street Trust has several houses offering Housing and Recovery services with day time support and responsive night support.

Programme Areas

Mental health

Programme Type

Residential support


Dunedin - South Otago

Age Groups

Adult / Pakeke, Older adult / Kaumātua

Referral Types

GP, DHB clinical services

Referral Process

Access to this service should come through a DHB clinical referral or via an approved Needs Assessment and Service Co-Ordination agency. If a GP would like to refer, they will need to be supported by a NASC agency.


Carroll Street Trust has several houses offering Housing and Recovery services with day time support and responsive night support.

Community Support

Community support is for people who require additional support to remain actively involved with family/whānau, community living, education, employment and self-management of their own wellbeing. The person is supported to determine their own needs and to retain or regain control of their own recovery process.

Programme Areas

Mental health

Programme Type

Community based support - mental health


Dunedin - South Otago

Age Groups

Adult / Pakeke, Older adult / Kaumātua

Referral Types

GP, DHB clinical services

Referral Process

Access to this service should come through a DHB clinical referral or via an approved Needs Assessment and Service Co-Ordination agency. If a GP would like to refer, they will need to be supported by a NASC agency.


Community support is for people who require additional support to remain actively involved with family/whānau, community living, education, employment and self-management of their own wellbeing. The person is supported to determine their own needs and to retain or regain control of their own recovery process.

Additional Details

Face to face / Kanohi ki te Kanohi

Contact Details

91 Carroll Street, Dunedin

Dunedin - South Otago

91 Carroll Street
Otago 9016

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Street Address

91 Carroll Street
Otago 9016

Postal Address

PO Box 5460
Dunedin 9054

This page was last updated at 3:23PM on September 2, 2024. This information is reviewed and edited by Carroll Street Trust.