EaseUp – Ka Puta Ka Ora Emerge Aotearoa

52 Chartwell Avenue, Glenfield, Auckland

Contact Details

Phone 0800 432 7387
Email easeup@emergeaotearoa.org.nz

0800 4EASEUP

Street Address

52 Chartwell Avenue
Auckland 0629

1/333 Great North Road, Henderson, Auckland

Contact Details

Phone 0800 432 7387
Email easeup@emergeaotearoa.org.nz

0800 4EASEUP

Street Address

1/333 Great North Road
Auckland 0612

143a Marua Road, Ellerslie, Auckland

Contact Details

Phone 0800 432 7387
Email easeup@emergeaotearoa.org.nz

0800 4EASEUP

Street Address

143 Marua Road
Auckland 1741


EaseUp is a mobile, community based service that supports youth experiencing challenges with their mental health and/or alcohol and other drug issues. 


The EaseUp team is made up of experienced registered Mental Health/AOD Clinicians (qualified health professionals) and trained Peer Support Workers (overcome challenges with their own mental health/alcohol and other drug use).

Read about our people here: easeup.org.nz/about-us

Fees and Charges Categorisation


Fees and Charges Description

No fees apply.


8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

Mon – Fri 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Support is available outside of these times upon request.

Public Holidays: Closed Good Friday (18 Apr), Easter Sunday (20 Apr), Easter Monday (21 Apr), ANZAC Day (25 Apr), King's Birthday (2 Jun), Matariki (20 Jun), Labour Day (27 Oct), Auckland Anniversary (26 Jan), Waitangi Day (6 Feb).

Languages Spoken

English, Mandarin Chinese



Young people are supported to holistically identify what goals they wish to set, and who they would like to support them in this process e.g. whānau, friends, other services etc. Individual values and beliefs are respected deeply when building each programme. Plans are therefore tailored with the understanding that every young person has different needs. EaseUp wishes to build self-efficacy by offering short term brief interventions with the aim of supporting the young person and their whānau to manage their own wellbeing. Our free service provides: Assessment and consultation Individual and group options Both clinical and peer support Mobile services delivered at a location of the young person/whānau’s choice Practical advice and support to make sustainable changes to promote recovery Drop in for support at our centres from Monday - Friday between 8am - 5pm

Programme Areas

Addictions - drug & alcohol, Mental health

Programme Type

Alcohol or drug counselling and support, Coexisting problems – mental health & addictions, Counselling and support, Peer support (alcohol or drug)


North Auckland, West Auckland, Central Auckland

Age Groups

Youth / Rangatahi, Adult / Pakeke

Referral Types

Self referral, GP, DHB clinical services, Corrections

Referral Process

EaseUp accepts referrals from anybody – a young person may refer themselves or others can refer on a young person’s behalf (with their consent).

Services are free and available to people aged between 12 and 24 years who reside in West Auckland, Central Auckland, North Shore/Rodney, and South Waikato. 

We now accept self-referrals online at: https://easeup.org.nz/get-support 


Young people are supported to holistically identify what goals they wish to set, and who they would like to support them in this process e.g. whānau, friends, other services etc. Individual values and beliefs are respected deeply when building each programme. Plans are therefore tailored with the understanding that every young person has different needs.

EaseUp wishes to build self-efficacy by offering short term brief interventions with the aim of supporting the young person and their whānau to manage their own wellbeing. 

Our free service provides:

  • Assessment and consultation
  • Individual and group options
  • Both clinical and peer support
  • Mobile services delivered at a location of the young person/whānau’s choice
  • Practical advice and support to make sustainable changes to promote recovery
  • Drop in for support at our centres from Monday - Friday between 8am - 5pm

Additional Details

Face to face / Kanohi ki te Kanohi, LGBTQIA+ friendly

