
Canterbury > Mental Health & Addictions >

Sarona House

Mental Health Service


Sarona House is a Christian community providing mental health residential care in a family-like environment. We provide a safe, peaceful and homely environment for residents. Staff input is pitched to inspire hope, nurture dreams and support clearly defined and negotiated recovery pathways for residents. Sarona is part of the Stepping Stones Trust. We work in collaboration with Specialist Mental Health Services (SMHS) and other Non-Government Organisation (NGO) partners.


Our friendly, well-trained staff are committed to working towards the best possible outcome for each resident. All have supervision and on-going training as part of their professional development.


Adult / Pakeke

How do I access this service?

Contact us

Ph: (03) 338-2677


Office Hours:

 Monday - Friday  8.30am - 4.30pm

Residential care is a 24-hour service.

Languages Spoken



Residential Care

Our friendly, well-trained staff provide a 24-hour service and are committed to working towards the best possible outcome for each resident. Sarona staff use the Recovery Star programme to form the basis of the residents' personalised recovery. This allows close monitoring of their progress. Programmes: The Programmes have been developed to meet the needs of individual residents, promoting the skills and self-confidence needed for independence. They cover: Personal: Self-care, cooking, housekeeping, gardening, nutrition and exercise. Self development: self-awareness and esteem; personal development sessions and spiritual growth; hobbies, informal study of personal interests, care of domestic animals. A professional artist tutors weekly, and guest speakers inform residents of supports available in the wider community. Employment and education: we work with agencies to connect residents into voluntary and part time work in the community. Recreational opportunities: arts and crafts, indoor and outdoor games, social outings, swimming and walking. Activities: Sarona offers residents the opportunity to participate in a weekly group programme of constructive activities. The programme is reviewed and renewed 4 times per year with input from residents.

Programme Areas

Mental health

Programme Type

Residential support



Age Groups

Adult / Pakeke

Referral Types

DHB clinical services

Referral Process

Who can come?

Access to Sarona House is via the Residential Options Group of the CDHB. People seeking a placement at Sarona would discuss this with their case manager from the Canterbury District Health Board (CDHB). While there is no specific time limit on a placement, the average length of placement is 12 to 18 months.

Sarona has a contract with the CDHB to provide supported accommodation for nine people, but has capacity for up to 12 residents, three of whom could be on a boarding house tenancy agreement.


Our friendly, well-trained staff provide a 24-hour service and are committed to working towards the best possible outcome for each resident.

Sarona staff use the Recovery Star programme to form the basis of the residents' personalised recovery. This allows close monitoring of their progress.


The Programmes have been developed to meet the needs of individual residents, promoting the skills and self-confidence needed for independence. They cover:

  • Personal: Self-care, cooking, housekeeping, gardening, nutrition and exercise.
  • Self development: self-awareness and esteem; personal development sessions and spiritual growth; hobbies, informal study of personal interests, care of domestic animals. A professional artist tutors weekly, and guest speakers inform residents of supports available in the wider community.
  • Employment and education: we work with agencies to connect residents into voluntary and part time work in the community.
  • Recreational opportunities: arts and crafts, indoor and outdoor games, social outings, swimming and walking.


Sarona offers residents the opportunity to participate in a weekly group programme of constructive activities. The programme is reviewed and renewed 4 times per year with input from residents.   

Additional Details

Face to face / Kanohi ki te Kanohi

Contact Details

  • Residents' Phone

    (03) 338 7960

26 Cedars Street
Hoon Hay
Canterbury 8025

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Street Address

26 Cedars Street
Hoon Hay
Canterbury 8025

This page was last updated at 1:28PM on March 20, 2024. This information is reviewed and edited by Sarona House.