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Te Awhina, Inpatient Acute Mental Health Service | Whanganui
Mental Health Service
Inpatient unit for adults in the acute phase of their mental illness.
All WDHB Mental Health and Addiction Services have a multidisciplinary team (MDT) of health professionals who work together with the service user and their family to ensure they receive integrated care to help with their recovery and discharge.
The WDHB has kaumātua and kuia available to provide cultural support to patients/service users/tangata whaiora and their whānau, if required.
Fees and Charges Categorisation
Fees and Charges Description
There are no costs for services for citizens or residents of Aotearoa/New Zealand.
Te Awhina is a 24 hour staffed facility.
Visits need to be arranged with the clinical nurse manager/coordinator.
Languages Spoken
Te Awhina is a 12-bed inpatient unit for people over the age of 18. Based on the Whanganui Hospital campus, Te Awhina treats service users who are in the acute phase of their mental illness. In addition to the treatment offered, the service provides sensory modulation rooms, day activities and peer support. Bedrooms have increased privacy and new technology is available for staff to work with. Our Mental Health and Addiction Services work in partnership with service users and their family/whānau to support their recovery. Integrated with the WDHB Community Mental Health and WDHB Alcohol and Other Drug services, we offer day activities where service users can express themselves creatively to help in their recovery journey.
Te Awhina is a 12-bed inpatient unit for people over the age of 18. Based on the Whanganui Hospital campus, Te Awhina treats service users who are in the acute phase of their mental illness. In addition to the treatment offered, the service provides sensory modulation rooms, day activities and peer support. Bedrooms have increased privacy and new technology is available for staff to work with. Our Mental Health and Addiction Services work in partnership with service users and their family/whānau to support their recovery. Integrated with the WDHB Community Mental Health and WDHB Alcohol and Other Drug services, we offer day activities where service users can express themselves creatively to help in their recovery journey.
- Programme Areas
Crisis / acute, Mental health
- Programme Type
Acute services
- Regions
- Age Groups
Adult / Pakeke, Older adult / Kaumātua
- Referral Types
DHB clinical services
Referral Process
Referrals to Te Awhina come via the Community Mental Health Team by arrangement or in crisis, or acute situations by the Mental Health Assessment and Home Treatment Team (MHAHT).
Te Awhina is a 12-bed inpatient unit for people over the age of 18. Based on the Whanganui Hospital campus, Te Awhina treats service users who are in the acute phase of their mental illness.
In addition to the treatment offered, the service provides sensory modulation rooms, day activities and peer support. Bedrooms have increased privacy and new technology is available for staff to work with.
Our Mental Health and Addiction Services work in partnership with service users and their family/whānau to support their recovery. Integrated with the WDHB Community Mental Health and WDHB Alcohol and Other Drug services, we offer day activities where service users can express themselves creatively to help in their recovery journey.
Additional Details
Face to face / Kanohi ki te Kanohi
Contact Details
Whanganui Hospital
(06) 348 1234
Street Address
100 Heads Road
Manawatu-Wanganui 4501
Postal Address
Private Bag 3003
Whanganui 4541
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This page was last updated at 10:52AM on August 13, 2024. This information is reviewed and edited by Te Awhina, Inpatient Acute Mental Health Service | Whanganui.