
Mental Health & Addictions >

Te Haa Matea - Hawke's Bay Stop Smoking Service

Stop Smoking Service


8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.


If you are ready to stop smoking and you live in Hawke’s Bay, you've landed in the right place.

Te Haa Matea - Hawke's Bay Stop Smoking Service is a patnership between


Our team are all registered stop smoking practitioners.

Fees and Charges Categorisation


Fees and Charges Description

This is a free service.


8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

Mon – Fri 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Please leave a message on our answer phone outside of these hours.

Public Holidays: Closed Good Friday (18 Apr), Easter Sunday (20 Apr), Easter Monday (21 Apr), ANZAC Day (25 Apr), King's Birthday (2 Jun), Matariki (20 Jun), Hawke's Bay Anniversary (24 Oct), Labour Day (27 Oct), Auckland Anniversary (26 Jan), Waitangi Day (6 Feb).

Languages Spoken



Stop Smoking Support & Wāhine Hapū

If you are ready to stop smoking and you live in Hawke’s Bay you've landed in the right place, because we’ve helped people just like you become Smokefree! Our programmes include one-on-one coaching, group sessions, community clinics or tailored support for you or your whānau. We offer a FREE stop smoking service unlike any other as well as FREE or subsidised nicotine replacement therapy. You will be supported by our dedicated Stop Smoking Practitioners who will provide expert advice and cessation tools to support you in your journey towards becoming smokefree. Wāhine Hapū Increasing Smokefree Pregnancy Programme The Increasing Smokefree Pregnancy Programme aims to reduce the smoking prevalence among pregnant women in the Hawke's Bay. This is an 8-week programme for pregnant women and their whānau. Women who remain smokefree can receive incentives such as grocery vouchers and nappies.

Programme Areas

Smoking cessation

Programme Type

Face to face smoking cessation, Maternal smoking cessation, Training - smoking cessation


Hawke's Bay

Age Groups

Youth / Rangatahi, Adult / Pakeke, Older adult / Kaumātua

Referral Types

Self referral, GP, DHB clinical services, Corrections

Referral Process

For smokefree support call 0800 300 377.


If you are ready to stop smoking and you live in Hawke’s Bay you've landed in the right place, because we’ve helped people just like you become Smokefree!

Our programmes include one-on-one coaching, group sessions, community clinics or tailored support for you or your whānau.

We offer a FREE stop smoking service unlike any other as well as FREE or subsidised nicotine replacement therapy. You will be supported by our dedicated Stop Smoking Practitioners who will provide expert advice and cessation tools to support you in your journey towards becoming smokefree.

Wāhine Hapū Increasing Smokefree Pregnancy Programme

The Increasing Smokefree Pregnancy Programme aims to reduce the smoking prevalence among pregnant women in the Hawke's Bay.

This is an 8-week programme for pregnant women and their whānau. Women who remain smokefree can receive incentives such as grocery vouchers and nappies.

Disability Assistance

Wheelchair access, Wheelchair accessible toilet, Mobility parking space, NZ sign language interpreter, Quiet, low sensory environment, A longer appointment time, Support to make decisions, Assistance to move around, More space to move around

Additional Details

Face to face / Kanohi ki te Kanohi

Contact Details

8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.


This page was last updated at 12:38PM on July 4, 2024. This information is reviewed and edited by Te Haa Matea - Hawke's Bay Stop Smoking Service.