
East Auckland > Pharmacy >

Unichem Highland Park Pharmacy

Pharmacy Service

Services Provided

Blood testing for warfarin user

Warfarin is used by some people as a blood thinning medicine e.g. after a stroke. It is important that blood results are regularly checked. This service involves having a quick test (finger prick) in the pharmacy to work out the correct dose. This saves you a trip to your local laboratory and waiting for your blood test to be processed.

Contact Details

9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

14 Highland Park Drive
Highland Park
Auckland 2010

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Street Address

14 Highland Park Drive
Highland Park
Auckland 2010

Postal Address

PO Box 82054
Highland Park
Auckland 2143

This page was last updated at 4:02PM on June 25, 2024. This information is reviewed and edited by Unichem Highland Park Pharmacy.