
Central Auckland, East Auckland, North Auckland, South Auckland, West Auckland > Private Hospitals & Specialists >

Mercy Breast Clinic

Private Service, Breast, Radiology


Surgery is the next step up in treating breast cancer and it can be an emotional, mental and physical journey for patients. Some women may not have undergone surgery before, some may be opting for preventative surgery, we understand that each patient is unique and must receive support that is akin to their situation. Our staff will be by your hand and on hand before, during and after your procedure.

Before any of our patients undergo breast surgery, we ensure they are well equipped with all the information and guidance they need going forward. We also help organise and plan post-operative care, ensuring minimal stress and a smoother recovery.

Simple or Total Mastectomy

All breast tissue, skin and the nipple are surgically removed but the muscles lying under the breast and the lymph nodes are left in place.

Modified Radical Mastectomy

All breast tissue, skin and the nipple as well as some lymph tissue are surgically removed.

Partial Mastectomy

The breast lump and a portion of other breast tissue (up to one quarter of the breast) as well as lymph tissue are surgically removed.


The breast lump and surrounding tissue, as well as some lymph tissue, are surgically removed. When combined with radiation treatment, this is known as breast-conserving surgery.

This page was last updated at 11:00AM on June 18, 2024.