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Auckland ENT Group - Ear, Nose & Throat Specialist Doctors

Private Service, ENT/ Head & Neck Surgery


8:30 AM to 5:00 PM.


Auckland ENT Group is a “one-stop-shop” for Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist services. Our surgeons cover all aspects of the Ear Nose and Throat. They are Dr Jacqui Allen, at North Shore, Gillies and Mercy hospitals and Dr David Flint, at Manukau SuperCentre and Gillies Hospital.

With our two locations in Greenlane and Pukekohe, Auckland ENT Group makes it easy for your patients to be seen quickly and efficiently. Our experienced Surgeons, Speech Language Therapists and Staff are here to help your patients. We offer unique services such as in-house trans nasal Oesophagoscopy as an alternative to a gastroscopy, In-office KTP Laser Laryngology, along with other in-house procedures making it more convenient for patients.

Auckland ENT Group has a centralised referral number for simplicity in making appointments and provides expertise in all aspects of Ear, Nose & Throat care.

Along with our friendly helpful team, we look forward to being of service to you and your patients.

As a group practice Auckland ENT Group offers:

  • Comprehensive Ear, Nose and Throat care
  • Easy, centralised phone number and email to contact
  • Fax number and email address for referrals
  • Broad range of subspecialisations
  • Management of Voice and Swallowing disorders
  • Vocal Fold Dysfunction - Laryngospasm
  • Simple and complex Otology management
  • Paediatric and general Ear, Nose & Throat
  • Head and neck care
  • Sinus disease management

Unique services:

  • In-office Transnasal Oesophagoscopy
  • In-office KTP Laser laryngology procedures
  • In-office bronchoscopy
  • On-site speech therapy
  • Multidisciplinary Cough clinic
  • On-site Audiologist 

What is ENT?

Ear, Nose and Throat Surgery (ENT) is also known as Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery.  This area of medicine focuses on disorders of the ear, nose, throat and the head and neck.

ENT Surgeons (or Otolaryngologists) are specialised doctors who deal with medical and surgical treatment of conditions of the ears, nose, throat and structures of the head and neck.


Note: Please note below that some people are not available at all locations.

Referral Expectations

Please contact us between 8.30am and 5.00pm, Monday to Friday, or fax a referral at any time. Our contact details can be found to the left hand side of this page or by clicking here.

Although your GP referral is recommended, we also welcome direct enquiries.

Click on the following links for patient information about the relevant procedures:

Balloon Dilation
Botox Treatment
Laser treatment - Larynx
Microlaryngoscopy and Bronchoscopy for Children
Microlaryngoscopy for Adults
Nasal Surgery Inferior Turbinate
Paediatric Sinusitis
Postop FESS Instructions
Removal of Thyroglossal Duct Cyst
Restylane Injection
Sinusitis and Milk Allergy

Fees and Charges Description

Auckland ENT Group are Southern Cross Affiliated Providers for a range of services under the Otolaryngology (Ear, Nose & Throat) category.  Please contact us for more details about your prior approval and easy claim.


8:30 AM to 5:00 PM.

Mon – Fri 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM

Procedures / Treatments

Swallowing Disorders (Dysphagia)

If you find it difficult to pass food or liquid from your mouth to your stomach, you may have a swallowing disorder or dysphagia. Symptoms may include: a feeling that food is sticking in your throat, discomfort in your throat or chest, a sensation of a ‘lump’ in your throat, coughing or choking. A disorder may occur in any part of the swallowing process such as the mouth, pharynx (tube at the back of the throat that connects your mouth with your oesophagus), oesophagus (food pipe that takes food to your stomach) or stomach. Causes of dysphagia include: the common cold, gastro-oesophageal reflux, stroke or a tumour. Diagnosis may be made by examination of the pharynx, oesophagus and stomach using a small, flexible tube with a tiny camera on the end that is inserted down the back of your throat. Examination may be conducted in the office, without sedation, with information immediately available. Treatments for dysphagia depend on the causes, but may include: medication – antacids, muscle relaxants or medicine to slow down stomach acid production changes in diet and/or lifestyle Swallowing therapy to strengthen muscles and rehabilitate affected areas Surgery e.g. stretching or releasing a tightened muscle, helping close an exposed airway and prevent aspiration of food or fluid into the lungs, removing a pouch or pocket, lifting the voicebox, or Botox treatment to hyperactive muscles. For further information about swallowing disorders, see here.

If you find it difficult to pass food or liquid from your mouth to your stomach, you may have a swallowing disorder or dysphagia. Symptoms may include: a feeling that food is sticking in your throat, discomfort in your throat or chest, a sensation of a ‘lump’ in your throat, coughing or choking.
A disorder may occur in any part of the swallowing process such as the mouth, pharynx (tube at the back of the throat that connects your mouth with your oesophagus), oesophagus (food pipe that takes food to your stomach) or stomach.
Causes of dysphagia include: the common cold, gastro-oesophageal reflux, stroke or a tumour.
Diagnosis may be made by examination of the pharynx, oesophagus and stomach using a small, flexible tube with a tiny camera on the end that is inserted down the back of your throat.  Examination may be conducted in the office, without sedation, with information immediately available.
Treatments for dysphagia depend on the causes, but may include:
  • medication – antacids, muscle relaxants or medicine to slow down stomach acid production
  • changes in diet and/or lifestyle
  • Swallowing therapy to strengthen muscles and rehabilitate affected areas
  • Surgery e.g. stretching or releasing a tightened muscle, helping close an exposed airway and prevent aspiration of food or fluid into the lungs, removing a pouch or pocket, lifting the voicebox, or Botox treatment to hyperactive muscles.

For further information about swallowing disorders, see here.


Hoarseness can be described as abnormal voice changes that make your voice sound raspy and strained and higher or lower or louder or quieter than normal. These changes are usually the result of disorders of the vocal cords which are the sound-producing parts of the voice box (larynx). The most common cause of hoarseness is laryngitis (inflammation of the vocal cords) which is usually associated with a viral infection but can also be the result of irritation caused by overuse of your voice e.g. excessive singing, cheering, loud talking. Other causes of hoarseness include: nodules on the vocal cords – these may develop after using your voice too much or too loudly over a long period of time smoking gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GERD) – stomach acid comes back up the oesophagus and irritates the vocal cords. This is a common cause of hoarseness in older people Recurrent respiratory papilloma (RRP) allergies polyps on the vocal cords glandular problems tumours. Diagnostic tests may include viewing the vocal cords with a mirror at the back of your throat or by inserting a small flexible tube with a camera on the end (endoscope) through your mouth. Sometimes tests may be done to analyse the sounds of your voice. Treatment depends on the cause of the hoarseness and may include resting your voice or changing how it is used, avoiding smoking, medication to slow stomach acid production and sometimes surgical removal of nodules or polyps. New treatments available include laser therapy, vocal fold augmentation, Botox injections and office removal or treatment of many problems. For further information click here.

Hoarseness can be described as abnormal voice changes that make your voice sound raspy and strained and higher or lower or louder or quieter than normal.
These changes are usually the result of disorders of the vocal cords which are the sound-producing parts of the voice box (larynx).
The most common cause of hoarseness is laryngitis (inflammation of the vocal cords) which is usually associated with a viral infection but can also be the result of irritation caused by overuse of your voice e.g. excessive singing, cheering, loud talking.
Other causes of hoarseness include:
  • nodules on the vocal cords – these may develop after using your voice too much or too loudly over a long period of time
  • smoking
  • gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GERD) – stomach acid comes back up the oesophagus and irritates the vocal cords. This is a common cause of hoarseness in older people
  • Recurrent respiratory papilloma (RRP)
  • allergies
  • polyps on the vocal cords
  • glandular problems
  • tumours.
Diagnostic tests may include viewing the vocal cords with a mirror at the back of your throat or by inserting a small flexible tube with a camera on the end (endoscope) through your mouth. Sometimes tests may be done to analyse the sounds of your voice.
Treatment depends on the cause of the hoarseness and may include resting your voice or changing how it is used, avoiding smoking, medication to slow stomach acid production and sometimes surgical removal of nodules or polyps.  New treatments available include laser therapy, vocal fold augmentation, Botox injections and office removal or treatment of many problems. 
For further information click here
Transnasal Oesophagoscopy

Transnasal Oesophagoscopy is a method of examining your pharynx (throat), larynx (voicebox), upper oesophageal sphincter (valve between the throat and oesophagus), oesophagus (food pipe to the stomach), and stomach. A flexible tube with a camera in the tip is passed through the nose into the throat and then swallowed into the oesophagus. This allows visualisation of the lining of these organs, biopsies if necessary, stretching of narrowed regions (strictures), observation of hiatal hernia or signs of reflux damage (oesophagitis, ulcers, strictures or Barrett's metaplasia). Additional therapeutic procedures may be combined with transnasal oesophagoscopy including laser treatment or balloon dilation. This procedure may be done without sedation, in the office, and takes around 5-7 minutes. You can eat and drink immediately following the procedure, but we recommend not eating or drinking for four hours prior to undertaking this procedure.

Transnasal Oesophagoscopy is a method of examining your pharynx (throat), larynx (voicebox), upper oesophageal sphincter (valve between the throat and oesophagus), oesophagus (food pipe to the stomach), and stomach.

A flexible tube with a camera in the tip is passed through the nose into the throat and then swallowed into the oesophagus.  This allows visualisation of the lining of these organs, biopsies if necessary, stretching of narrowed regions (strictures), observation of hiatal hernia or signs of reflux damage (oesophagitis, ulcers, strictures or Barrett's metaplasia).  Additional therapeutic procedures may be combined with transnasal oesophagoscopy including laser treatment or balloon dilation.

This procedure may be done without sedation, in the office, and takes around 5-7 minutes.  You can eat and drink immediately following the procedure, but we recommend not eating or drinking for four hours prior to undertaking this procedure.

Laser Laryngoscopy

Laser laryngoscopy is a procedure where a laser is used to deliver energy to tissue in the larynx (voicebox) to help treat a number of conditions. Lasers Lasers used have a small fibre that fits inside an endoscope and delivers the energy to the tissue, or a beam that can be aimed at the target tissue. The most common types of laser used are the KTP (Potassium Titanyl Phosphate) laser, the PDL (pulsed dye laser) or the CO2 (carbon dioxide laser). A newer laser available at Auckland Voice and Swallow is the Gold laser. Each laser uses a different wavelength of light, which determines the special characteristics of the laser. Uses of Lasers in Laryngology The most common conditions treated with the in-office lasers in laryngology are vocal fold polyps, papilloma (recurrent respiratory papilloma or RRP), ectasias, vascular lesions or early cancers. To see photos of these conditions click here. The laser treatment may be done in the office with minimal light local anaesthetic - no general anaesthesia is required. Vocal outcomes using the laser are superb.

Laser laryngoscopy is a procedure where a laser is used to deliver energy to tissue in the larynx (voicebox) to help treat a number of conditions.


Lasers used have a small fibre that fits inside an endoscope and delivers the energy to the tissue, or a beam that can be aimed at the target tissue. The most common types of laser used are the KTP (Potassium Titanyl Phosphate) laser, the PDL (pulsed dye laser) or the CO2 (carbon dioxide laser).  A newer laser available at Auckland Voice and Swallow is the Gold laser.  Each laser uses a different wavelength of light, which determines the special characteristics of the laser.

Uses of Lasers in Laryngology

The most common conditions treated with the in-office lasers in laryngology are vocal fold polyps, papilloma (recurrent respiratory papilloma or RRP), ectasias, vascular lesions or early cancers.  To see photos of these conditions click here.

The laser treatment may be done in the office with minimal light local anaesthetic - no general anaesthesia is required.  Vocal outcomes using the laser are superb.


Stroboscopy is a specialised technique for viewing the voicebox, in particular, the movements of the vocal cords (sound producing tissue of the voicebox). A stroboscope is a light that flickers many times per second and like the movies, gives the impression of slow motion. This enables us to see the vocal cords vibrating and to identify any abnormalities that might give rise to voice problems or hoarseness. Stroboscopy is painless and performed in the office using either a flexible tube with a camera at the tip, or a rigid rod tube containing light that sits on your tongue. It takes only a few moments to perform and is vital in diagnosis of voice disorders. Conditions identified with the stroboscope include vocal fold polyps, cysts, papilloma, cancers, scars, treatment injuries, reduced movements e.g. paralysis or paresis, and changes due to aging (presbyphonia). Stroboscopy may help determine which treatment is most appropriate or most likely to be effective.

Stroboscopy is a specialised technique for viewing the voicebox, in particular, the movements of the vocal cords (sound producing tissue of the voicebox).  A stroboscope is a light that flickers many times per second and like the movies, gives the impression of slow motion.  This enables us to see the vocal cords vibrating and to identify any abnormalities that might give rise to voice problems or hoarseness.

Stroboscopy is painless and performed in the office using either a flexible tube with a camera at the tip, or a rigid rod tube containing light that sits on your tongue.  It takes only a few moments to perform and is vital in diagnosis of voice disorders.

Conditions identified with the stroboscope include vocal fold polyps, cysts, papilloma, cancers, scars, treatment injuries, reduced movements e.g. paralysis or paresis, and changes due to aging (presbyphonia).

Stroboscopy may help determine which treatment is most appropriate or most likely to be effective.

pH study and Manometry

A pH study is a test to measure the amount of acid present in the oesophagus. It is usually measured over a period of time, such as 24-48 hours. It is measured either by using a thin probe that passes through the nose into the oesophagus (food pipe) and stays there for the duration of the test, or nowadays, also by a small wireless capsule (Bravo capsule) that can be placed inside the oesophagus with a telescope and transmits data wirelessly to a pager device. A pH study may be combined with manometry, or measurement of the muscle strength of the oesophagus. Pressure generated in the oesophagus and at each end where valves are positioned, can be recorded. This may identify weakness of the oesophagus, hyperactivity or underactivity of the oesophagus and also help to identify where a pH probe should be placed. pH and manometry testing is performed in the office, then continued for at least 24hrs later at home. You can eat, drink and continue normal daily activities whilst the probe is in place, and in fact you are encouraged to do so! This gives the best indication of what your 'normal' day is like. High acid levels as measured by a pH study may need medication treatment to reduce stomach acid, or its escape into the oesophagus or throat. Occasionally surgery is required to control severe acid reflux or treat a hiatal hernia.

A pH study is a test to measure the amount of acid present in the oesophagus.  It is usually measured over a period of time, such as 24-48 hours.  It is measured either by using a thin probe that passes through the nose into the oesophagus (food pipe) and stays there for the duration of the test, or nowadays, also by a small wireless capsule (Bravo capsule) that can be placed inside the oesophagus with a telescope and transmits data wirelessly to a pager device.

A pH study may be combined with manometry, or measurement of the muscle strength of the oesophagus.  Pressure generated in the oesophagus and at each end where valves are positioned, can be recorded.  This may identify weakness of the oesophagus, hyperactivity or underactivity of the oesophagus and also help to identify where a pH probe should be placed.

pH and manometry testing is performed in the office, then continued for at least 24hrs later at home.  You can eat, drink and continue normal daily activities whilst the probe is in place, and in fact you are encouraged to do so!  This gives the best indication of what your 'normal' day is like.

High acid levels as measured by a pH study may need medication treatment to reduce stomach acid, or its escape into the oesophagus or throat.  Occasionally surgery is required to control severe acid reflux or treat a hiatal hernia.


Your tonsils are the oval-shaped lumps of tissue that lie on both sides of the back of the throat. Sometimes tonsils can become inflamed (red and swollen with white patches on them) as the result of a bacterial or viral infection; this is known as tonsillitis. If you have tonsillitis, you will have a very sore throat and maybe swollen glands on the side of your neck, a fever, headache or changes to your voice. In some cases, pus can be seen on the tonsils. Tonsillitis mostly occurs in young children and can be a recurrent condition (it keeps coming back). If the tonsillitis is caused by bacteria, antibiotics will be prescribed. If the tonsillitis is caused by a virus, treatment will usually consist of medications to relieve symptoms such as a pain killer. If tonsillitis occurs often over a period of two or more years, then surgical removal of the tonsils (tonsillectomy) may be considered.

Your tonsils are the oval-shaped lumps of tissue that lie on both sides of the back of the throat. Sometimes tonsils can become inflamed (red and swollen with white patches on them) as the result of a bacterial or viral infection; this is known as tonsillitis.
If you have tonsillitis, you will have a very sore throat and maybe swollen glands on the side of your neck, a fever, headache or changes to your voice. In some cases, pus can be seen on the tonsils.
Tonsillitis mostly occurs in young children and  can be a recurrent condition (it keeps coming back).
If the tonsillitis is caused by bacteria, antibiotics will be prescribed. If the tonsillitis is caused by a virus, treatment will usually consist of medications to relieve symptoms such as a pain killer.
If tonsillitis occurs often over a period of two or more years, then surgical removal of the tonsils (tonsillectomy) may be considered.
Otology (Ear) Tests

Audiometry is the electronic testing of hearing ability. You will sit in a special room wearing earphones and be asked to respond when you hear a noise through the earphones. These tests can measure your hearing levels as well as other aspects of hearing such as the ability to recognise speech against background noise. Tympanometry uses sound and air pressure to check middle ear function. A small, soft probe is placed in your ear for a few seconds and a computer measures your ears response to sounds and pressure emitted through the probe. This test is often carried out in young children to assess for glue ear.

Audiometry is the electronic testing of hearing ability.  You will sit in a special room wearing earphones and be asked to respond when you hear a noise through the earphones.  These tests can measure your hearing levels as well as other aspects of hearing such as the ability to recognise speech against background noise.

Tympanometry uses sound and air pressure to check middle ear function.  A small, soft probe is placed in your ear for a few seconds and a computer measures your ears response to sounds and pressure emitted through the probe. This test is often carried out in young children to assess for glue ear.

Otitis Media

This is inflammation or infection of your middle ear (the space behind your eardrum) and is often associated with a build-up of fluid in your middle ear. Acute Otitis Media This is usually caused by a temporary malfunction of the Eustachian tube due to allergies, infections or trauma. The Eustachian tube connects the middle ear to the nose and allows air to enter the middle ear, thus making middle ear pressure the same as air pressure outside the head. Acute otitis media results in an infection in the middle ear causing pain, fever and a red, bulging eardrum (the thin, transparent membrane between the outer ear canal and the middle ear). This condition is usually seen in young children. The treatment may be antibiotics if it is suspected to be a bacterial, rather than viral, infection, or if there are repeated episodes, surgical insertion of grommets into the eardrums may be required. Grommets are tiny ventilation tubes that allow normal airflow into, and drainage out of, the middle ear until the Eustachian tube begins to work normally. The operation is done under general anaesthesia (the child is asleep) and takes 10-15 minutes. Most grommets fall out naturally after six to twelve months, by which time the Eustachian tubes are often working properly. Otitis Media with Effusion (Glue Ear) Like acute otitis media, glue ear is usually the result of a temporary malfunction of the Eustachian tube and may either follow an episode of acute otitis media or occur on its own. The condition is usually seen in children. Fluid is present in the middle ear and the ear is not usually painful, but the ear drum is not red and bulging and there is no fever. Glue ear may lead to hearing loss, which can result in speech delays, and balance problems. Treatment options include: a prolonged course of antibiotics; grommet insertion; or treatment with decongestants, antihistamines or steroids. Chronic Otitis Media If the Eustachian tube is blocked repeatedly over a period of several years, there may be changes to the tissues of the middle ear such as deformity of the ear drum and damage to the bones of the ear. These changes may result in hearing problems, balance problems, and persistent deep ear pain. If such long term damage has occurred, an operation called tympanomastoidectomy may be required. This involves making an incision (cut) behind or around the upper part of your ear, drilling through the mastoid bone and removing, and possibly repairing, damaged tissues.

This is inflammation or infection of your middle ear (the space behind your eardrum) and is often associated with a build-up of fluid in your middle ear.

Acute Otitis Media

This is usually caused by a temporary malfunction of the Eustachian tube due to allergies, infections or trauma.  The Eustachian tube connects the middle ear to the nose and allows air to enter the middle ear, thus making middle ear pressure the same as air pressure outside the head.  Acute otitis media results in an infection in the middle ear causing pain, fever and a red, bulging eardrum (the thin, transparent membrane between the outer ear canal and the middle ear).  This condition is usually seen in young children.  The treatment may be antibiotics if it is suspected to be a bacterial, rather than viral, infection, or if there are repeated episodes, surgical insertion of grommets into the eardrums may be required.  Grommets are tiny ventilation tubes that allow normal airflow into, and drainage out of, the middle ear until the Eustachian tube begins to work normally.  The operation is done under general anaesthesia (the child is asleep) and takes 10-15 minutes. Most grommets fall out naturally after six to twelve months, by which time the Eustachian tubes are often working properly.

Otitis Media with Effusion (Glue Ear)

Like acute otitis media, glue ear is usually the result of a temporary malfunction of the Eustachian tube and may either follow an episode of acute otitis media or occur on its own. The condition is usually seen in children. Fluid is present in the middle ear and the ear is not usually painful, but the ear drum is not red and bulging and there is no fever. Glue ear may lead to hearing loss, which can result in speech delays, and balance problems. Treatment options include: a prolonged course of antibiotics; grommet insertion; or treatment with decongestants, antihistamines or steroids.

Chronic Otitis Media

If the Eustachian tube is blocked repeatedly over a period of several years, there may be changes to the tissues of the middle ear such as deformity of the ear drum and damage to the bones of the ear. These changes may result in hearing problems, balance problems, and persistent deep ear pain.  If such long term damage has occurred, an operation called tympanomastoidectomy may be required. This involves making an incision (cut) behind or around the upper part of your ear, drilling through the mastoid bone and removing, and possibly repairing, damaged tissues.


When the growth of one of the tiny bones in your middle ear, the stapes, changes from hard to soft and spongy, it leads to the condition called otosclerosis. As this abnormal growth develops, the stapes becomes more rigid or fixed in position. The stapes needs to be able to vibrate to allow sound vibrations to pass through to the inner ear. When the stapes is not vibrating as well as it should, gradual hearing loss can occur. Otosclerosis may occur in one or both ears and may sometimes be associated with ringing/clicking/buzzing noises in your ear (tinnitus). The condition will be diagnosed by hearing tests and tympanometry. Otosclerosis most often develops during teenage and early adult years and it tends to run in families. The condition can become worse during pregnancy. Treatment There are several different approaches to treating otosclerosis, one of the most common being a surgical procedure called stapedectomy. This is a microsurgical procedure (microscopic lenses are used to help the surgeon see the tiny structures involved) usually performed through the ear canal. A small cut (incision) is made in the ear canal near the eardrum and the eardrum is lifted, exposing the middle ear and its bones. Part of the stapes bone is removed and an artificial prosthesis inserted to help transmit sound into the inner ear. The eardrum is then folded back into position. The surgery can either be performed under general anaesthetic (you sleep through it) or local anaesthetic (the area treated is numbed) plus sedation (you are given medication to make you feel sleepy). You will be advised not to fly, blow your nose or allow any water to get into your ear for about six weeks after the operation. Other treatments include use of a hearing aid or taking sodium fluoride which helps harden the bone and can improve hearing in many patients with otosclerosis.

When the growth of one of the tiny bones in your middle ear, the stapes, changes from hard to soft and spongy, it leads to the condition called otosclerosis. As this abnormal growth develops, the stapes becomes more rigid or fixed in position. The stapes needs to be able to vibrate to allow sound vibrations to pass through to the inner ear. When the stapes is not vibrating as well as it should, gradual hearing loss can occur. Otosclerosis may occur in one or both ears and may sometimes be associated with ringing/clicking/buzzing noises in your ear (tinnitus). The condition will be diagnosed by hearing tests and tympanometry. Otosclerosis most often develops during teenage and early adult years and it tends to run in families. The condition can become worse during pregnancy.


There are several different approaches to treating otosclerosis, one of the most common being a surgical procedure called stapedectomy. This is a microsurgical procedure (microscopic lenses are used to help the surgeon see the tiny structures involved) usually performed through the ear canal. A small cut (incision) is made in the ear canal near the eardrum and the eardrum is lifted, exposing the middle ear and its bones. Part of the stapes bone is removed and an artificial prosthesis inserted to help transmit sound into the inner ear. The eardrum is then folded back into position. The surgery can either be performed under general anaesthetic (you sleep through it) or local anaesthetic (the area treated is numbed) plus sedation (you are given medication to make you feel sleepy). You will be advised not to fly, blow your nose or allow any water to get into your ear for about six weeks after the operation. Other treatments include use of a hearing aid or taking sodium fluoride which helps harden the bone and can improve hearing in many patients with otosclerosis.
Hearing Loss

Hearing loss can be divided into two types: conductive hearing loss (caused by some sort of mechanical problem in the external or middle ear) or sensorineural hearing loss (caused by disorders of the inner ear, hearing nerve or associated brain structures). Conductive hearing loss is often reversible and can be due to: blockage of the ear by e.g. wax, inflammation, infections or middle ear fluid poor sound conduction because of e.g. holes or scarring in the eardrum or the bones of the middle ear (ossicles) becoming fixed and rigid. Sensorineural hearing loss is generally not reversible and can be caused by: genetic make-up (this could include congenital conditions i.e. those you are born with, or late-onset hearing loss) head injury tumours infections certain medications exposure to loud noises the aging process (a significant hearing loss is experienced by about one third of people aged over 70 years). Some of the signs you might notice that indicate you have a hearing loss include: having to turn up the volume on the TV or radio finding it hard to hear someone you are talking with finding it hard to hear in a group situation where there is background noise e.g. in a restaurant having to ask people to repeat themselves you find people's speech is unclear - they are mumbling Hearing loss can be partial (you can still hear some things) or complete (you hear nothing) and may occur in one or both ears. Treatment Treatments for hearing loss range from the removal of wax in the ear canal to complex surgery, depending on the cause of the loss. One of the most common treatments for hearing loss is the use of a hearing aid. The type of aid you get depends on the cause of your hearing loss and how bad it is, as well as what your preferences are in terms of comfort, appearance and lifestyle. If your hearing loss is severe to profound, you may be suitable for a surgical procedure known as a cochlear implant. In this procedure, a small cut (incision) is made behind your ear and a device is implanted that can bypass the damaged parts of your ear. The surgery usually takes 2-3 hours and is performed under general anaesthesia (you sleep through it). You may be able to go home the same day or have to spend one night in hospital.

Hearing loss can be divided into two types: conductive hearing loss (caused by some sort of mechanical problem in the external or middle ear) or sensorineural hearing loss (caused by disorders of the inner ear, hearing nerve or associated brain structures).

Conductive hearing loss is often reversible and can be due to:

  • blockage of the ear by e.g. wax, inflammation, infections or middle ear fluid
  • poor sound conduction because of e.g. holes or scarring in the eardrum or the bones of the middle ear (ossicles) becoming fixed and rigid.

Sensorineural hearing loss is generally not reversible and can be caused by:

  • genetic make-up (this could include congenital conditions i.e. those you are born with, or late-onset hearing loss)
  • head injury
  • tumours
  • infections
  • certain medications
  • exposure to loud noises
  • the aging process (a significant hearing loss is experienced by about one third of people aged over 70 years).

Some of the signs you might notice that indicate you have a hearing loss include:

  • having to turn up the volume on the TV or radio
  • finding it hard to hear someone you are talking with
  • finding it hard to hear in a group situation where there is background noise e.g. in a restaurant
  • having to ask people to repeat themselves
  • you find people's speech is unclear - they are mumbling

Hearing loss can be partial (you can still hear some things) or complete (you hear nothing) and may occur in one or both ears.


Treatments for hearing loss range from the removal of wax in the ear canal to complex surgery, depending on the cause of the loss. One of the most common treatments for hearing loss is the use of a hearing aid. The type of aid you get depends on the cause of your hearing loss and how bad it is, as well as what your preferences are in terms of comfort, appearance and lifestyle.

If your hearing loss is severe to profound, you may be suitable for a surgical procedure known as a cochlear implant. In this procedure, a small cut (incision) is made behind your ear and a device is implanted that can bypass the damaged parts of your ear. The surgery usually takes 2-3 hours and is performed under general anaesthesia (you sleep through it). You may be able to go home the same day or have to spend one night in hospital.

Acoustic Neuroma

This is a slow-growing, benign (non-cancerous) overgrowth of tissue on the nerves that affect your hearing and balance. When the neuroma is small, there may either be no symptoms or you may have a slight hearing loss or mild tinnitus (ringing/clicking/buzzing noises in your ear). As the neuroma grows and exerts pressure on the nerves, there will be a more noticeable loss of hearing, more tinnitus and problems with balance. The condition is diagnosed using hearing tests and MRI or CT scans. Acoustic neuromas are usually found only in one ear and generally occur in people over 40 years of age. Treatment If the neuroma is small and not causing significant problems, you may not receive any treatment but the growth and effects of the neuroma will be monitored regularly. If treatment is being considered, it may be either radiotherapy or surgery. Radiotherapy, which is used for small to medium neuromas, involves low-dose beams of radiation aimed at the neuroma. This does not require anaesthesia but you will probably be in hospital for 1-2 days. For larger neuromas that are causing significant problems, surgical treatment may be suggested. Depending on the size of the neuroma, there are several different types of operation that can be performed. Whatever surgical approach is used, it will be performed under general anaesthetic (you will sleep through it) and you will probably remain in hospital for about one week.

This is a slow-growing, benign (non-cancerous) overgrowth of tissue on the nerves that affect your hearing and balance. When the neuroma is small, there may either be no symptoms or you may have a slight hearing loss or mild tinnitus (ringing/clicking/buzzing noises in your ear). As the neuroma grows and exerts pressure on the nerves, there will be a more noticeable loss of hearing, more tinnitus and problems with balance. The condition is diagnosed using hearing tests and MRI or CT scans.

Acoustic neuromas are usually found only in one ear and generally occur in people over 40 years of age.


If the neuroma is small and not causing significant problems, you may not receive any treatment but the growth and effects of the neuroma will be monitored regularly.

If treatment is being considered, it may be either radiotherapy or surgery.

Radiotherapy, which is used for small to medium neuromas, involves low-dose beams of radiation aimed at the neuroma. This does not require anaesthesia but you will probably be in hospital for 1-2 days.

For larger neuromas that are causing significant problems, surgical treatment may be suggested. Depending on the size of the neuroma, there are several different types of operation that can be performed. Whatever surgical approach is used, it will be performed under general anaesthetic (you will sleep through it) and you will probably remain in hospital for about one week.

Meniere's Disease

Meniere's disease is a disorder in which there is an abnormality in the fluids of the inner ear resulting in increased pressure in the inner ear. There is no general agreement as to what causes this abnormality, but there are probably many different causes including injury (immune, infectious, trauma, allergic etc) to the ear. Symptoms of Meniere's include episodes: of vertigo (you feel you are spinning), hearing loss that comes and goes, tinnitus (ringing/clicking/buzzing noises in your ear), a feeling of fullness around your ear. Episodes may last for hours or days. The condition will be diagnosed using hearing tests and possibly an MRI or CT scan. Meniere's disease usually occurs in one ear only and typically appears between the ages of 20 and 50 years. Treatment The initial treatment approach is usually a lifestyle and diet change, including a low salt diet; avoidance of alcohol, tobacco, caffeine and stress; and increased exercise and rest. The majority of patients find that these changes can help control their symptoms. Diuretic medication (reduces the amount of fluid in your body) may also be introduced. In severe cases where dietary/lifestyle changes have not been successful, surgery may be considered.

Meniere's disease is a disorder in which there is an abnormality in the fluids of the inner ear resulting in increased pressure in the inner ear. There is no general agreement as to what causes this abnormality, but there are probably many different causes including injury (immune, infectious, trauma, allergic etc) to the ear. Symptoms of Meniere's include episodes: of vertigo (you feel you are spinning), hearing loss that comes and goes, tinnitus (ringing/clicking/buzzing noises in your ear), a feeling of fullness around your ear. Episodes may last for hours or days. The condition will be diagnosed using hearing tests and possibly an MRI or CT scan. Meniere's disease usually occurs in one ear only and typically appears between the ages of 20 and 50 years.


The initial treatment approach is usually a lifestyle and diet change, including a low salt diet; avoidance of alcohol, tobacco, caffeine and stress; and increased exercise and rest. The majority of patients find that these changes can help control their symptoms. Diuretic medication (reduces the amount of fluid in your body) may also be introduced. In severe cases where dietary/lifestyle changes have not been successful, surgery may be considered.

In the facial bones surrounding your nose, there are four pairs of hollow air spaces known as sinuses or sinus cavities. These sinuses all open into your nose, allowing air to move into and out of the sinus and mucous to drain into the nose and the back of your throat. If the passage between the nose and sinus becomes swollen and blocked, then air and mucous can become trapped in the sinus cavity causing inflammation of the sinus membranes or linings. This is known as sinusitis. Sinusitis can be: acute - usually a bacterial (or sometimes viral) infection in the sinuses that follows a cold, or an allergic reaction. chronic - a long term condition that lasts for more than 3 weeks and may or may not be caused by an infection. Sinusitis can be a recurrent condition which means it may occur every time you get a cold. Symptoms of sinusitis include: facial pain or pressure nasal congestion (blocking) nasal discharge headaches fever. Treatment for bacterial sinusitis is antibiotics and for non-infective sinusitis may include steroid nasal sprays and nasal washes. If this treatment is unsuccessful, surgery may be considered. This is usually performed endoscopically; a tiny camera attached to a tube (endoscope) is inserted into your nose. Very small instruments can be passed through the endoscope and used to remove abnormal or obstructive tissue thus restoring movement of air and mucous between the nose and the sinus.

In the facial bones surrounding your nose, there are four pairs of hollow air spaces known as sinuses or sinus cavities. These sinuses all open into your nose, allowing air to move into and out of the sinus and mucous to drain into the nose and the back of your throat. If the passage between the nose and sinus becomes swollen and blocked, then air and mucous can become trapped in the sinus cavity causing inflammation of the sinus membranes or linings.  This is known as sinusitis.
Sinusitis can be:
  •   acute -  usually a bacterial (or sometimes viral) infection in the sinuses that follows a cold, or an allergic reaction.
  •   chronic - a long term condition that lasts for more than 3 weeks and may or may not be caused by an infection.
Sinusitis can be a recurrent condition which means it may occur every time you get a cold.
Symptoms of sinusitis include:
  •     facial pain or pressure
  •     nasal congestion (blocking)
  •     nasal discharge
  •     headaches
  •     fever.
Treatment for bacterial sinusitis is antibiotics and for non-infective sinusitis may include steroid nasal sprays and nasal washes.
If this treatment is unsuccessful, surgery may be considered. This is usually performed endoscopically; a tiny camera attached to a tube (endoscope) is inserted into your nose. Very small instruments can be passed through the endoscope and used to remove abnormal or obstructive tissue thus restoring movement of air and mucous between the nose and the sinus.

Snoring is the harsh rattling noise made by some people when they sleep. Snoring occurs when the flow of air through the back of the mouth and nose becomes partially blocked and structures such as the tongue, soft palate (the back part of the roof of the mouth) and uvula (the tag that hangs at the back of the mouth) strike each other and vibrate. Causes of snoring include: nasal polyps; a bend in the nasal septum (the partition running down the middle of the nose), large tonsils or adenoids, obesity, smoking, excess alcohol. Surgical treatment of snoring involves the removal of excess loose tissue in the throat or soft palate.

Snoring is the harsh rattling noise made by some people when they sleep. Snoring occurs when the flow of air through the back of the mouth and nose becomes partially blocked and structures such as the tongue, soft palate (the back part of the roof of the mouth) and uvula (the tag that hangs at the back of the mouth) strike each other and vibrate.
Causes of snoring include: nasal polyps; a bend in the nasal septum (the partition running down the middle of the nose), large tonsils or adenoids, obesity, smoking, excess alcohol.
Surgical treatment of snoring involves the removal of excess loose tissue in the throat or soft palate.
Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA)

When snoring is interrupted by episodes of totally obstructed breathing, it is known as obstructive sleep apnoea. The obstruction is caused by the relaxation of muscles that support the soft tissues at the back of the throat such as the uvula, soft palate, tongue and tonsils. These tissues then collapse and momentarily block the airway. Episodes may last 20 seconds or more and may occur hundreds of times per night. While you are not breathing, the levels of oxygen in your blood drop which causes your blood pressure to go up and adds strain to your cardiovascular system. In addition, you are likely to feel overly tired during the day and your work, driving and overall performance may be affected. The usual treatment for OSA is to wear a nasal mask that delivers pressurised air to keep the airways open while you sleep. This treatment is known as Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP).

When snoring is interrupted by episodes of totally obstructed breathing, it is known as obstructive sleep apnoea. The obstruction is caused by the relaxation of muscles that support the soft tissues at the back of the throat such as the uvula, soft palate, tongue and tonsils. These tissues then collapse and momentarily block the airway.
Episodes may last 20 seconds or more and may occur hundreds of times per night. While you are not breathing, the levels of oxygen in your blood drop which causes your blood pressure to go up and adds strain to your cardiovascular system. In addition, you are likely to feel overly tired during the day and your work, driving and overall performance may be affected.
The usual treatment for OSA is to wear a nasal mask that delivers pressurised air to keep the airways open while you sleep. This treatment is known as Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP).

Rhinitis is the inflammation of the lining of the nose (nasal mucosa). The most common symptoms are a blocked, runny and itchy nose. Rhinitis can be: allergic – either seasonal (hay fever) caused by pollen allergies or perennial caused by e.g. house dust mite, pets. infectious – e.g. the common cold non-allergic, non-infectious – caused by irritants such as smoke, fumes, food additives In the case of allergic rhinitis, the specific allergen (the thing that you are allergic to) may be identified by skin prick tests. This involves placing a drop of the allergen on your skin and then scratching your skin through the drop. If you are allergic, your skin will become red and swollen at the site. Treatment of allergic rhinitis involves avoiding the allergen if possible, but if not possible then corticosteroid nasal sprays and antihistamines are the usual medications prescribed.

Rhinitis is the inflammation of the lining of the nose (nasal mucosa). The most common symptoms are a blocked, runny and itchy nose.
Rhinitis can be:
  • allergic – either seasonal (hay fever) caused by pollen allergies or perennial caused by e.g. house dust mite, pets.
  • infectious – e.g. the common cold
  • non-allergic, non-infectious – caused by irritants such as smoke, fumes, food additives
In the case of allergic rhinitis, the specific allergen (the thing that you are allergic to) may be identified by skin prick tests. This involves placing a drop of the allergen on your skin and then scratching your skin through the drop. If you are allergic, your skin will become red and swollen at the site.
Treatment of allergic rhinitis involves avoiding the allergen if possible, but if not possible then corticosteroid nasal sprays and antihistamines are the usual medications prescribed. 

Public Transport

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Contact Details

242 Great South Road, Greenlane, Auckland

Central Auckland

8:30 AM to 5:00 PM.

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Pukekohe Health Centre, 10 West Street, Pukekohe, Auckland

South Auckland

8:30 AM to 5:00 PM.

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This page was last updated at 10:40AM on September 3, 2024. This information is reviewed and edited by Auckland ENT Group - Ear, Nose & Throat Specialist Doctors.