
Central Auckland, East Auckland, South Auckland > Private Hospitals & Specialists >

Ormiston Hospital Gynaecology

Private Surgical Service, Gynaecology

This is where you will come to have your surgery performed. The visits to your surgeon before and after surgery will be at their consulting rooms.


About one in every six couples in New Zealand will experience infertility. This is when they are unable to conceive a baby after one year of trying, or when the woman has been unable to carry a pregnancy to a live birth. In about half of the cases, the cause of infertility is due to a problem with the woman and, in the other half, the problem will be with the man.
There are now many treatments available for infertile couples and, in many cases, these treatments will result in a successful pregnancy. Doctors with a special interest and expertise in this area will usually provide the best opportunity for treatment. Local support groups and societies can be of help during the stressful time of having tests and treatment.

This page was last updated at 10:54AM on May 11, 2023.