
Private Hospitals & Specialists >

Mercy Healthcare



Mercy Hospital is a not-for-profit tertiary level surgical hospital located in Dunedin, New Zealand. Our highly skilled staff provide exceptional care that makes a difference. Established in 1936, we are committed to continuing the legacy of our founders, the Sisters of Mercy.

Mercy Hospital Dunedin has six operating theatres, a two-bed intensive care unit, in-patient and day-stay beds, alongside a cardiac catheterisation lab (Mercy Heart Centre), modern oncology unit (Mercy Cancer Care) and purpose-built day surgery facility (Manaaki).

Specialist doctors from almost every branch of medicine consult with patients from clinic rooms onsite at Marinoto Clinic and Mercy Care East.




Contact Details

Street Address

72 Newington Avenue
Māori Hill
OTA 9010

Postal Address

Private Bag 1919
Dunedin 9054
New Zealand

This page was last updated at 2:31PM on January 18, 2022.