Wakefield Hospital - Neurosurgery

Wakefield Hospital

Contact Details

Phone (04) 381 8100
Fax (04) 381 8101
Email info@wakefield.co.nz

Toll Free Phone: 0800 WAKEFIELD (0800 925 334)

Street Address

99 Rintoul Street
Wellington 6242

Postal Address

Wakefield Hospital
Private Bag 7909
Wellington 6242


Wakefield Hospital is the largest private hospital in the Wellington region. It is located in the suburb of Newtown and is owned and operated by parent company Evolution Healthcare (NZ) Limited.

Based in the heart of Wellington, Wakefield Hospital offers a wide range of high-quality private healthcare services with a team of experienced specialists and the latest in techniques and equipment available. We have a proud history of offering our patients the very best of care in our modern and comfortable facilities.

Private healthcare allows choice, flexibility and access to specialists who use the latest techniques in treatment. You are free to nominate your specialist and can expect your consultation and treatment in a timely manner without waiting list restrictions. Early treatment and intervention is often pivotal in ensuring the best outcome for patients.


Visiting Hours

Daily 9:00am to 9:00pm.

Please note that Level 2 (the Cardiac Ward), ICU and HDU are closed for a rest period between 1:00pm and 3:00pm daily.


Free parking is provided within the hospital grounds.


Nearest community pharmacy here
