
Strabismus Surgery

Strabismus (Squint) in Children
Strabismus, or squint, is the misalignment of the eyes. It can be convergent (crossed eye), or divergent (outward turning of eye). One eye can be higher than the other eye (Hypertropia), or lower than the other eye (Hypotropia). About half of those children with cross-eyes are due to uncorrected long-sightedness. Wearing appropriate glasses will not only improve their vision but also correct their cross-eye condition. The other half of children with cross eyes and almost all children with constant out-turning of the eye will need eye muscle surgery to correct their squint. 
Sometimes, a child with life threatening tumors in the eye or in the brain can first present with squint. So a sudden onset of a squint requires urgent investigation.
Research and clinical trials involved in straightening the eyes of children have shown there is not only the advantage of improved appearance, but more importantly improved ability for the child to see “3 D” vision and in their overall motor skills.

Strabismus in Adults
Common causes of strabismus (squint) in adults can be due to trauma to the eye muscle or bony structure around the eyeball, paralysis of the nerves innervating the muscle(s) and sometimes due to thyroid diseases. A small number of adults have residual strabismus left uncorrected, or unsuccessfully corrected from their childhood. Like childhood strabismus, adult strabismus can also cause significant functional impairments and is therefore not merely a cosmetic concern. For example, an adult with cross-eyes can only see half of the visual field usually seen by a person without cross eyes. An adult with strabismus is often severely disabled because the person will have “double vision”. Because of the double vision, the person will not be able to drive or do his/her normal duties at work.
Treatment for adult strabismus often needs surgery to align the eyes properly. This will get rid of the double vision, enlarge the visual field and return the appearance back to normal. Special surgical techniques performed by Eye Doctors such as ‘adjustable suture’ strabismus surgery increase the success rate of adult strabismus surgery well above 95%.

Strabismus Surgery Adjustable Suture Eye Muscle Surgery 
Nystagmus (jiggling of the eyes) & abnormal head posture.
Nystagmus, or jiggling of the eyes, can occur from poor vision in childhood, or as a result of albinism (lack of pigmentation in the skin) and other neurological conditions. In these patients, turning their head to certain directions minimises the intensity of the jiggling of the eyes and their vision often improves. Eye Doctors offers special eye muscle surgery that can lead to straightened head posture, reduced jiggling of the eyes and improved vision.

This page was last updated at 3:00PM on November 30, 2023.