Anglesea Hospital is a state of the art hospital and day stay facility located in the heart of Hamilton.
- Four state of the art theatres designed and built to international standards which have the latest digital equipment, enabling surgeons better visualisation during complex minimally invasive surgical procedures.
- 3D imaging solution which provides improved speed, accuracy and precision for surgical procedures.
- Innovative designs in movable equipment eliminating permanent fixtures and lessening the risk of infection during procedures.
- Highly experienced registered nursing staff committed to providing patients with the very best in preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative care
- Fully equipped Central Sterile Supply Department (CSSD) staffed by fully qualified CSSD Technicians, providing sterile equipment for all procedures.
- Ongoing monitoring by an Infection Control Nurse to ensure excellent Infection Control management
- Training room for live streaming of laparoscopic surgery for specialists from all over New Zealand.