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Totally Psyched

Private Service, Psychiatry, Mental Health


Totally Psyched is a family practice that specializes in children and adolescent mental health. Our team of highly trained, friendly and experienced mental health professionals (Psychiatrists, Psychologists & Counsellors) are ready to care for your family/child’s needs when they are suffering and you need help to understand what’s happening or get things back on track. More


Psychiatrists: see below under Consultants

Psychologists & Counsellors:


Note: Please note below that some people are not available at all locations.


Child / Tamariki, Youth / Rangatahi, Adult / Pakeke

How do I access this service?

Contact us

Ph: (09) 320 3086
or Email: referrals@psyched.org.nz

Make an appointment

Make an appointment online here


GP referrals required for insurance purposes and for adult ADHD assessment referrals (parents only)

Website / App

Telehealth and video-consultation options available

Referral Expectations

What to expect - from the first appointment through to completion of therapy. Click here

Fees and Charges Categorisation

Fees apply

Fees and Charges Description

Click on the individual services to find the fees here

Insurance Providers for:

  • Southern Cross preferred provider
  • NIB insurance preferred provider
  • WINZ registered practice

Common Conditions / Procedures / Treatments

Anxiety Disorders

We all feel some anxiety at some time or other. Anxiety may serve as an alerting signal, warning us of external /internal threats and consequently acting as a prompt to take appropriate action. When anxiety is very severe and present even when there is no threat of any kind, then it interferes with our functioning and can become an illness. In this circumstance, anxiety becomes a disorder characterised by an unpleasant emotion with feelings of fear, threat and impending danger and can be associated with numerous bodily symptoms like breathlessness, trembling, tightness in throat, dry mouth, racing heart and nausea/vomiting. There are varieties of anxiety disorders like panic attacks, phobias (unhealthy fear of something), agoraphobia (fear of open spaces), social anxiety, post-traumatic disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder. Anxiety can often be associated with a depressive episode. Anxiety disorders are very common and if unrecognised and untreated, can cause severe disability. Treatment Self help: learning techniques like relaxation, distraction and education Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Medication.

We all feel some anxiety at some time or other. Anxiety may serve as an alerting signal, warning us of external /internal threats and consequently acting as a prompt to take appropriate action.
When anxiety is very severe and present even when there is no threat of any kind, then it interferes with our functioning and can become an illness. In this circumstance, anxiety becomes a disorder characterised by an unpleasant emotion with feelings of fear, threat and impending danger and can be associated with numerous bodily symptoms like breathlessness, trembling, tightness in throat, dry mouth, racing heart and nausea/vomiting.
There are varieties of anxiety disorders like panic attacks, phobias (unhealthy fear of something), agoraphobia (fear of open spaces), social anxiety, post-traumatic disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder. Anxiety can often be associated with a depressive episode.
Anxiety disorders are very common and if unrecognised and untreated, can cause severe disability.
  • Self help: learning techniques like relaxation, distraction and education
  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
  • Medication.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

ADHD is a childhood behavioural disorder characterised by problems with concentration and impulse control. The typical symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity and impulsive behaviour may all be present to an equal degree or one symptom may be dominant with the other two present to a greater or lesser extent.

ADHD is a childhood behavioural disorder characterised by problems with concentration and impulse control. The typical symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity and impulsive behaviour may all be present to an equal degree or one symptom may be dominant with the other two present to a greater or lesser extent.


Depression is a mood disorder. Emotional states like sadness, ‘feeling blue’ or tearfulness are part of normal human experience. Clinical depression is called Major Depression and is characterised by the presence for at least two weeks of symptoms such as depressed mood, diminished interest and pleasure in most activities, change in appetite and weight (these can be increased or decreased) sleep disturbance, fatigue, bodily symptoms (headache, backache etc) poor concentration, feelings of anxiousness, worthlessness, hopelessness, guilt, and suicidal ideation. Depression is a common disorder and about 10-20 % of the population in New Zealand will suffer from depression during their lifetime. Treatment Once depression has been diagnosed by your GP/Psychiatrist, it can be effectively treated by: Antidepressant medication Psychological interventions e.g. counselling (various types) and psychotherapy (talking therapy which is of various types).

Depression is a mood disorder. Emotional states like sadness, ‘feeling blue’ or tearfulness are part of normal human experience. Clinical depression is called Major Depression and is characterised by the presence for at least two weeks of symptoms such as depressed mood, diminished interest and pleasure in most activities, change in appetite and weight (these can be increased or decreased) sleep disturbance, fatigue, bodily symptoms (headache, backache etc) poor concentration, feelings of anxiousness, worthlessness, hopelessness, guilt, and suicidal ideation.
Depression is a common disorder and about 10-20 % of the population in New Zealand will suffer from depression during their lifetime. 
Once depression has been diagnosed by your GP/Psychiatrist, it can be effectively treated by:
  • Antidepressant medication
  • Psychological interventions e.g. counselling (various types) and psychotherapy (talking therapy which is of various types).
Behavioural Challenges
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Disability Assistance

Wheelchair access

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Contact Details

5 Auburn Street, Takapuna

North Auckland

8:30 AM to 5:00 PM.

More details…

This page was last updated at 10:21AM on January 7, 2025. This information is reviewed and edited by Totally Psyched.